Spam issue

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  • popyui i know they are wasting my time with foolishness i cant understand

  • Maybe they are targeting Scirra purposely. Hope that our sellers account are secure.

    Try not to open those thread anyone. Now days malware is spreading just by opening an image or link.

  • I hope this issue can be adressed in a definitive way soon, because this spamming totally takes away the joy I feel coming to this forum to help others..

  • I hope this issue can be adressed in a definitive way soon, because this spamming totally takes away the joy I feel coming to this forum to help others..

    Same here.

    I posted a suggestion the other day which was able to stop this bot network on another site.

    But enduring and deleting seems to be to way scirra wants to take this ...

    I hope they know this bot network has been running since beginning of this year :\ not looking like it will stop any time soon.

  • > I hope this issue can be adressed in a definitive way soon, because this spamming totally takes away the joy I feel coming to this forum to help others..


    Same here.

    I posted a suggestion the other day which was able to stop this bot network on another site.

    But enduring and deleting seems to be to way scirra wants to take this ...

    I hope they know this bot network has been running since beginning of this year :\ not looking like it will stop any time soon.


  • Sorry for all this, it appears to be human spam as they are circumventing the captcha no problem. They have been circumventing our other spam protection as well effectively.


    I've spent the morning cleaning up all the remaining spam, and improving our spam methods on the forum which should now be even more effective. I can't go into what we do exactly I'm afraid for obvious reasons, but it should be robust going forwards and easy for us to adjust to new attacks.


    Working on solving this issue now.

  • Thanks Tom, nice to have you back. I'm sure you not so happy to have to come back running at full pace lol.

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  • I miss the spam ;}

  • Sorry for all this, it appears to be human spam ....

    I beg the differ ... it would take an army of people to do ...

    A bot net with a good AI I think.

    You should check around the internet ... This thing has been going steady since last January/February ... spamming countless of forums. (talking way over the thousands fora here)

    Odd really its not popping up in the news.

  • I miss the spam ;}


    thank you Tom good to have the forums clean again!

  • I miss the spam ;}

    I'm having a rubbish day and that made me laugh - thank you.

    And thanks to Tom for ending the Zerg rush.

  • wow a clear forum, looks so clean..

    thanx Tom

  • Tonight I'm going to have a spam sandwitch to celebrate

  • Tom, enjoy!

  • better then having spam for breakfast

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