Easy Module #1 - Dialog module (Templates)

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Customizable speech bubble dialogue system! With this dialogue system, you can finally have speech bubbles in your game!
  • This time it is hard to guess where the bug is... But I noticed that there are 3 successive double primes in the 1st row. Can u try to delete the extra double primes?

    Actually... when I replace all those """s into "s, every output becomes 0. (just like when they're not surrounded with ""s)

    I looked into the cutscene.csv (with notepad++) and there were also """s, so I just let them there. (I'm now getting afraid of trying something more with OpenOffice... lol)

    Oh and the issue of the API call... I just added the functions needed after the dialog (ex: "YesMove") into the "on_destroy_dialog" and everything got solved. Hallelujah!

  • >

    > This time it is hard to guess where the bug is... But I noticed that there are 3 successive double primes in the 1st row. Can u try to delete the extra double primes?


    Actually... when I replace all those """s into "s, every output becomes 0. (just like when they're not surrounded with ""s)

    I looked into the cutscene.csv (with notepad++) and there were also """s, so I just let them there. (I'm now getting afraid of trying something more with OpenOffice... lol)

    Oh and the issue of the API call... I just added the functions needed after the dialog (ex: "YesMove") into the "on_destroy_dialog" and everything got solved. Hallelujah!

    Umm.... I'm glad to hear that you solve it finally, but for me it's not a perfect solution. If you have time, send me your minimal .capx which could reproduce the bug without disclose your confidential game designs. I'll find some time to examine it.

  • Umm.... I'm glad to hear that you solve it finally, but for me it's not a perfect solution. If you have time, send me your minimal .capx which could reproduce the bug without disclose your confidential game designs. I'll find some time to examine it.

    I think it's gonna be hard to extract the part of the dialog module since they already have dissolved in many event sheets... but I'll try!

  • Hey Jomo!

    I got some new issues for you, actually, for me, and they are two... Hope you're not having tired days.

    1. the Dialogs' Position on scaled browser

    When I start with the upscaled browser screen (ex: 120%, 150%...), or after requesting fullscreen, the dialogs doesn't appear at the right place, their positions go wrong (appear too lower, or go somewhere far away out of the screen, etc....)

    I think this could be critical, 'cause scaling screen could be indispensable option for many projects, including mine... I tried giving Anchor behaviour to the dialog components, but seems it doesn't help. Got any idea to solve this?

    (and requesting fullscreen, just makes them disappear.)

    2. Pause Scene ID

    I think it's not likely to a bug, but troubling me for so long......

    For some reason, in my project, the "custom_n" doesn't accept my .csv's Pause Scene ID. When the dialog shows up, dialog_variable's 'dialog_pause_id' never changes (in the inspector.)

    I looked over at the template .capx and my project to find a difference or any missing point, but couldn't find any, and now assuming this could be a .csv matter again.


    (the """s are still there, as they worked anyway... until now.)

    """1"""(Param(2)) is the Pause Scene ID.


    (the characters in front of the variable names are just for distinguish)

    I tried changing them into text variable then number variable again, adding and subtracting """s, everything I could guess but it beats me. Can you guess what could be wrong...?

  • Hajin

    Thanks for the cheer-up! And please find my comments below:

    1. Position self adaptation:

    I noticed that your background is correct but the dialog is offset. So I think the offset is coming from position calculation. For example , if you use <scale outer> fullscreen you'll need to calculate the screen width/height and top-left/bottom-right coordinate before create a dialog. Below is how I do it:

    2. pause_id

    What if you assign a character "a" to your custom instance variable? (try make var type to "text" )

  • The first problem is Perfectly solved with the way you've shown!! Thanks!

    But the second one, is still in mystery... seems var's name doesn't matter here. I got to test this in other project or something to find it out.

    Thanks a lot for the precise answers!

  • Hi Jomo,

    I'm using your CutScene Example and am very happy with it but would like to add a "Skip Dialog" button. The current dialog I have takes the player to the next level when the dialog completes. With the "Skip Dialog" button I'd like the player to go immediately to the next level when it is clicked. Of course I could just add my own button in but I'd like to use the existing button creation and tween effect like the "Restart" button does in the sample cutscene. So I was wondering if there was a simple way to add this in to the e_CutScene_example.



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  • Hi Jomo,

    I'm using your CutScene Example and am very happy with it but would like to add a "Skip Dialog" button. The current dialog I have takes the player to the next level when the dialog completes. With the "Skip Dialog" button I'd like the player to go immediately to the next level when it is clicked. Of course I could just add my own button in but I'd like to use the existing button creation and tween effect like the "Restart" button does in the sample cutscene. So I was wondering if there was a simple way to add this in to the e_CutScene_example.




    Ooops! I'm sorry the Forum didn't notice me of your reply. Please me explicitly next time, so that I can be noticed by forum alerts.

    1. About "Skip button": In my thoughts, this kind of button should be created when cutscene starts and be destroyed when cutscene ends. Please see my example codes in below :

    2. About fading-out effect of a button: You can see how I did it for my <Restart> button in below:

  • Jomo,

    Thanks for the help! I gave the Dialog module a high rating the other day as it is a great tool. Once I complete the game I'm using the dialog in and put it on my site, mathnook.com, I'll post a link.

    Thanks again,


  • Jomo,

    Thanks for the help! I gave the Dialog module a high rating the other day as it is a great tool. Once I complete the game I'm using the dialog in and put it on my site, mathnook.com, I'll post a link.

    Thanks again,


    Your site is amazing~ There are so many math games! I'm happy my work can be a help for your great site .

  • Thanks, glad you like my site. Mostly Flash games now but slowly getting some HTML5 games going.

  • jomo

    I just bought your module so I have the most up-to-date version as of this morning.

    I'm supposed to learn this module as a task set by a company I am working for. I must admit that I am a bit confused as to how exactly it works. Please forgive the fact that I will be starting with very basic questions. I want to do this slow and steady to make sure I get it along the way.

    Early in this thread, you mentioned that the work flow is:


    1. Create a prototype dialog box.

    2. Replace things on it.

    Looking at the capx file, I see the main layout uses the e_main event sheet. The e_main event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet. It then splits up each type of available preset into their own separate examples.

    Running the main layout, I found that you are using assets form the eModule_dialog_template layout for the dialogues to appear. However, I don't see the actual connection! To test this out, I created my own layout and event sheet (both named "newb" accordingly). The newb event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet, and the newb layout only contains one instance of btn_brown. I then copy and pasted the "Example#1 - Prototype" section from the e_main event sheet into the newb event sheet. You could probably guess that this attempt at creating a prototype dialog box by copy and pasting was not fruitful. When I ran the layout, clicking on the button did nothing.

    What am I missing here? How is the main layout showing the assets from the other layout, but I don't see any instances of those assets actually on the main layout in Construct 2? Most importantly: What is my starting step at learning how to use your module?

    It looks like it has a lot of potential, and other more savvy users have figured it out. I for one am at a loss, however.

  • jomo

    I just bought your module so I have the most up-to-date version as of this morning.

    I'm supposed to learn this module as a task set by a company I am working for. I must admit that I am a bit confused as to how exactly it works. Please forgive the fact that I will be starting with very basic questions. I want to do this slow and steady to make sure I get it along the way.

    Early in this thread, you mentioned that the work flow is:


    1. Create a prototype dialog box.

    2. Replace things on it.

    Looking at the capx file, I see the main layout uses the e_main event sheet. The e_main event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet. It then splits up each type of available preset into their own separate examples.

    Running the main layout, I found that you are using assets form the eModule_dialog_template layout for the dialogues to appear. However, I don't see the actual connection! To test this out, I created my own layout and event sheet (both named "newb" accordingly). The newb event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet, and the newb layout only contains one instance of btn_brown. I then copy and pasted the "Example#1 - Prototype" section from the e_main event sheet into the newb event sheet. You could probably guess that this attempt at creating a prototype dialog box by copy and pasting was not fruitful. When I ran the layout, clicking on the button did nothing.

    What am I missing here? How is the main layout showing the assets from the other layout, but I don't see any instances of those assets actually on the main layout in Construct 2? Most importantly: What is my starting step at learning how to use your module?

    It looks like it has a lot of potential, and other more savvy users have figured it out. I for one am at a loss, however.


    Hi~ Did you remember to include the <e_eModule_dialog_template> event sheet?

    Instance can be created by <System>-<Create object > action even if the specified object class in not appeared in current layout.

    Have you finished the installation guide successfully?

    Of course, you can send my your newb project and I can check for you:

  • DoobieDoctor5000

    Ok, let me have a guess. The reference code detects whether user is pressing [btn_brown] AND if the pressed button has its id set to 0. Please help to check the button you've copied has a id set to 0.

  • I just want to let everyone know that I e-mailed Jomo and he replied in record time with a solution to my confusion. A+ customer service for a dev! Thank you Jomo!

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