Hajin's Forum Posts

  • God bless you, rex...... you are my hero.

  • Make the object picked, on the condition of the event. You could pick it by comparing its UID, IID(nth instance), or position or its own instance variable, many ways.

    +Oh you mean an Object in a Family... sorry I was telling about an Instance of an Object. For what you're saying, just change the (family) instance variable of that object, and only that one's will be changed.

  • on start of layout group 1 disabled if action is inside group it will not run.

    You mean the group should be disabled from the start, not on the way...? I got to test this as well... thanks!

  • Seems the image is produced considering re-editing of the user(=you), you can also use GraphicsGale or Gimp to edit, if Photoshop is not affordable.

  • I haven't tried the Mona Lisa tutorial, but as far as I know......

    Every instance of an object shares same images. But, if you want them to be seen differently (ex:objects Monster's instance1 has yellow eyes, instance2 has red eyes, etc) you can do that by setting their animation differently. (On an event, add action ? choose the sprite ? 'set animation'. Note that only Sprites have animations, no 9Patches or others.) A Sprite can have many animations, not only one. (ex: WalkUp, WalkDown, WalkLeft, WalkRight, Run, Fly, RedEyed, YellowEyed, ...) That's irrelevant to Family. The Sprites just have animations whether they're included to Families or not.

  • I had a very similar situation just a few days ago! The regenerating of the global objects on the global layers.

    And, as far as I found, the global layers seems persistent on every layout, by destroying every objects on a layout's end, and then regenerating them on the new layout. But here, the objects are also global objects, they are not destroyed on the layout's end, so they remain, and the new layout's new objects (for global layer) are generated (without checking whether there is remaining objects or not.)

    I don't know why it should work this way, but anyway it does...... maybe we should ask Ashley. I was making a HUD too, faced this problem, and solved the HUD's duplicating issue by this way: https://www.scirra.com/forum/how-do-i-prevent-global-objects-regenerated_t166734 take a look at the reply starts with 'I solved the problem!'

  • Here's a quick summary of the situation......


    • Event1: When Space key pressed, do Action1.


    • Event2: When Space key pressed, do Action2.

    With this, I deactivated Group1, and pressed Space key, then activated Group1 after 1.0 second wait after Action2 is done. But here, after the 1.0 second, Action1 is executed!

    I thought pressing of Space key is done while Group1 is deactivated, so Action1 would never be executed, but it is been executing, just after waiting for the group's activation. How can I stop this being executed???

  • I solved the problem! I mean I could fix the messy screen by unwanted generation of the objects(=the panel components.)

    The layers should be global so I couldn't change that, but by setting the objects (=the components of the information panel) not global (=let them to be destroyed on every layout ends, and let them to be generated newly on every layout starts), and applying the size or position or content of the components after the new generation(=on the start of every layout,) now there's no more unwanted duplication of the objects, and there's only 1 information panel, looks great.

    Hope this could help anyone in similar problem!

  • Sorry but correct me if I am wrong, but from what I can understand, you are saying that you have a few layouts that use the same event sheet, and it creates objects but you only want it for certain layouts? If this is true, than you can use a check layout, for example, if on the layout that you want, than only create the objects you want.

    um... Yes I think your description is correct, but check layout... you mean using LayoutName on condition or something? Even if I use that for condition, the creation of the objects are not by my command, they just appear automatically on the start of new layout (as they are global objects on global layer) so all I can do is just destroying them. So I'm wondering if I can make them not appear automatically...

  • When I go to other layout from the first (previewing) layout, the (global layer's) global objects (in this case, they are an information panel's components, which should be only 1 set) regenerates on the new layout and make screen messy, so I made them(the newly generated ones) to be destroyed on the start of every layouts.

    But, as this kind of work increase (since there are also other panels, like inventory panel, status panel, etc...) I started to think this is a bit silly, 'cause this means EVERY new layout generates an useless set of components → destroy them, and this must be nothing but a memory-wasting process.

    In short......

    How can I prevent the useless regenerating of the global objects on start of a layout?

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  • Right... Tilemaps are for THAT! Seems I was worrying too much with a matter of course...... Thanks for reminding!!

  • I mean, when I have tilemaps with exactly same images, like:

    tilemap object 'roomA' uses image1.png,

    'roomB' also uses image1.png,

    'roomC' also uses image1.png, and so on...,

    does it make me have several same image data (or files) when exported? Or is our C2 smart enough to avoid such a situation...?

    (Wondering this using Tiled, as importing .tmx makes each tilemap has seperated images, while in Tiled all maps reference 1 image source file.

    I'm drawing every maps in Tiled firstly as it is much more convenient to design and draw maps, but when I import those .tmxs, the situation becomes above; I have many tilemap objects with same images, but all seperated.)

  • The first problem is Perfectly solved with the way you've shown!! Thanks!

    But the second one, is still in mystery... seems var's name doesn't matter here. I got to test this in other project or something to find it out.

    Thanks a lot for the precise answers!

  • Hey Jomo!

    I got some new issues for you, actually, for me, and they are two... Hope you're not having tired days.

    1. the Dialogs' Position on scaled browser

    When I start with the upscaled browser screen (ex: 120%, 150%...), or after requesting fullscreen, the dialogs doesn't appear at the right place, their positions go wrong (appear too lower, or go somewhere far away out of the screen, etc....)

    I think this could be critical, 'cause scaling screen could be indispensable option for many projects, including mine... I tried giving Anchor behaviour to the dialog components, but seems it doesn't help. Got any idea to solve this?

    (and requesting fullscreen, just makes them disappear.)

    2. Pause Scene ID

    I think it's not likely to a bug, but troubling me for so long......

    For some reason, in my project, the "custom_n" doesn't accept my .csv's Pause Scene ID. When the dialog shows up, dialog_variable's 'dialog_pause_id' never changes (in the inspector.)

    I looked over at the template .capx and my project to find a difference or any missing point, but couldn't find any, and now assuming this could be a .csv matter again.


    (the """s are still there, as they worked anyway... until now.)

    """1"""(Param(2)) is the Pause Scene ID.


    (the characters in front of the variable names are just for distinguish)

    I tried changing them into text variable then number variable again, adding and subtracting """s, everything I could guess but it beats me. Can you guess what could be wrong...?

  • Umm.... I'm glad to hear that you solve it finally, but for me it's not a perfect solution. If you have time, send me your minimal .capx which could reproduce the bug without disclose your confidential game designs. I'll find some time to examine it.

    I think it's gonna be hard to extract the part of the dialog module since they already have dissolved in many event sheets... but I'll try!