DoobieDoctor5000's Forum Posts

  • I... I don't know how I feel about this. I feel great because there's a workaround, but I feel bad for making more work for you. At least you have everything planned out in your instructions. Honestly you could go either way; fix the bug or update the workaround into the manual. Thank you! You're always great at responding to questions.

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  • My apologies. Sorry BBaller1337 for the misleading info I provided earlier. As a matter of fact it looks like I 100% derped in this case as mariogamer is OP. Yep sorry guys nothing to see here. Didn't mean to hijack, though. *runs away*

  • Jomo,

    I noticed that the body and the header both have margin_l and margin_r. Are these values shared between the two? I couldn't find a way to distinguish the two when setting the parameters.

  • I think he was talking to mariogamer. From the looks of it you and I are having a problem similar to the bug posted here.

  • Dev team I'm working with is having issues with the gamepad in the latest beta release.

    First, running the capx in Chrome, it wasn't detecting the gamepad at all. On gamepad connected triggers were not triggering. This happened for myself first and then also for my colleague many miles away from me.

    My colleague tried in Firefox and it didn't work at all. I don't have firefox installed so have not tested it in firefox.

    I closed chrome and re-opened the capx and then it WORKED. Not sure what was causing it not to work for both of us. My colleague did the same and it was working.

  • I just want to let everyone know that I e-mailed Jomo and he replied in record time with a solution to my confusion. A+ customer service for a dev! Thank you Jomo!

  • jomo

    I just bought your module so I have the most up-to-date version as of this morning.

    I'm supposed to learn this module as a task set by a company I am working for. I must admit that I am a bit confused as to how exactly it works. Please forgive the fact that I will be starting with very basic questions. I want to do this slow and steady to make sure I get it along the way.

    Early in this thread, you mentioned that the work flow is:


    1. Create a prototype dialog box.

    2. Replace things on it.

    Looking at the capx file, I see the main layout uses the e_main event sheet. The e_main event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet. It then splits up each type of available preset into their own separate examples.

    Running the main layout, I found that you are using assets form the eModule_dialog_template layout for the dialogues to appear. However, I don't see the actual connection! To test this out, I created my own layout and event sheet (both named "newb" accordingly). The newb event sheet includes the e_eModule_dialog_template event sheet, and the newb layout only contains one instance of btn_brown. I then copy and pasted the "Example#1 - Prototype" section from the e_main event sheet into the newb event sheet. You could probably guess that this attempt at creating a prototype dialog box by copy and pasting was not fruitful. When I ran the layout, clicking on the button did nothing.

    What am I missing here? How is the main layout showing the assets from the other layout, but I don't see any instances of those assets actually on the main layout in Construct 2? Most importantly: What is my starting step at learning how to use your module?

    It looks like it has a lot of potential, and other more savvy users have figured it out. I for one am at a loss, however.

  • Thanks for the feedback! Maybe I'm still thinking inside the box. It looks like I need to rethink my process if I were to use a function. My thoughts on it being outlandish were having to recreate the "wiper" at exact spots all over the layout. Maybe I can pull the XY value of the text object I use every time the function is called, and maybe instead of destroying the wiper, I cam have it go off-layout until I'm ready to use it again. I need to do some serious thinking on this one.

    Not much experience with 9-Patch. I guess it's time O familiarize myself with it. Thanks again! If y'all have any more ideas while I'm trying to figure this out, please let me know.

  • OK so we've all done the typewriter effect with our text. It's nice, but sometimes it's not what you need. I'm looking to do something similar to how text is displayed in the game Dragon's Crown. Example:

    Notice how the text is almost displayed in a typewritery manner, but it's really wiped onto the screen? Or maybe a better way of saying it is it's faded into view. It's not a harsh typewriter, but rather a wispy, flowing text. Now I did figure out how to do this. The thing is, it's not efficient at all. It involves calling upon a "wipe" bullet sprite and having it destroy when it hits something. Using it once or twice is ok, but to use it for all of the text in the game is just outlandish. For example:

    Notice how it's not really the BEST way of doing it? imagine doing that for all your text in a game. No bueno!

    I did some research on my own, and although I haven't come across the solution, I think I might be getting somewhere. I know that a sprite font will have to be used. There's no way this can be done properly with a simple text object. I found this tutorial on sprite fonts:, but the thing is, I didn't completely understand how it works. I tried plugging in a fade-in function at certain points, but the best I could muster is getting all of the text to fade in at once.

    How do I do this fade in/text wipe efficiently?

  • I created a scrolling overlay in a separate project, and would like to use this overlay in an existing project. Importing images seems straightforward, but I can't seem to figure out how to properly import the event sheets and layouts. They all show up as XML files. Is there a way to convert the XML files back to actual event sheets and layouts usable in Construct 2?

    Thank you!

  • I'm working on a contract game involving an NDA, so I regretfully cannot post the capx file.

    The game I'm working on involves buttons displayed, as well as those buttons moving and fading in and out. I achieve button movement (moving up and down) by adding and subtracting to their y value, waiting a specific amount of time, and calling the same function recursively until a condition is met. I do something similar when I fade the buttons in and out, only by affecting their opacity instead of their y value.


    FadeOutCounter = 100;
    FadeOutSpeed = 0.009;
        if FadeOutCounter > 0
            ButtonOpacity = ButtonOpacity - 1;
            Subtract 1 from FadeOutCounter;
            Wait FadeOutSpeed seconds;
            Call FadeOutButtonRow()
        if FadeOutCounter <= 0
            break from function;
    I'm trying to implement a fast-forward feature, so naturally I would increase the timescale.  When I do increase timescale, most of the game speeds up as desired, but not my custom movement and fading functions.  I tried to decrease the speed variables in conjunction with increasing the timescale (such as multiplying FadeOutSpeed * dt), but I observe zero visible change.
    Any suggestions for how to fix this and make everything fast-forward?
  • Hey everyone! I just wanted to give you a heads up about my entry to Leap Motion's 3D Jam, Path of the Asteroid: Death's Journey - I created it in Construct 2. It's a simple asteroid dodger that makes use of the Leap Motion device. Use your hand as the controller! Of course, because of this, you will currently need a Leap Motion device to actually play the game.

    All of the assets were either snagged (with permission or proper open source / public domain licenses) from or simply created within Construct 2 itself. Asset creators are properly credited. I used Henry Hoffman's Leap Motion plugin for Construct 2 (also with permission). This is probably my first game that I feel is actually fun, so I have plans to expand it into something bigger. Once I hit a certain milestone, I will also release this on Google Play and as a non-Leap Motion browser game. Construct 2 makes it very simple to port.

    Please give it a look-see, and don't forget to check out all the other 3D Jam entries. Also FYI, Mr. Hoffman himself participated, although not with C2, and Rock Paper Shotgun mentioned his game in their article about the jam!

    Thank you for your time!

  • Hello I'd like to chime in with my solution.

    I have a tiled background that is the width of the window and 2x the height of the window. This allows me to start the layout with the bottom of the tiled background flush with the bottom of the window, and the top of the tiled background protruding from the window at the top.

    Given the origin of the tiled background is its top left corner, I was able to set a trigger for when its Y >= 0. Make sure you set a second condition of Trigger once while true. With that trigger, give it an action to create an instance of the tiled background, with a Y of negative the height of the tiled background. For instance, my window height is 800, so because my tiled background is double the height, its height is 1600. So in this case I would create the new tiled background with a Y set to -1600. This creates the instance immediately behind the first instance.

    Then set the tiled background to destroy itself when its Y >= the window height. So mine destroys whenever its Y >= 800.

    And then of course to make it actually move I just do an Every Tick trigger. Every tick I set the tiled backgrounds Y to Tiledbackground.Y + (dt * speed), and you can plug in any integer to replace speed.

  • Hey guys, I don't have time at the moment to finish this off so I've uploaded what I do have here. Should work for most cases, but doesn't integrate some of the newer features.

    Hopefully the examples should be explanatory.

    Thank you! I've never written a plugin before and I've been toying around with it, but I need something fast for the Leap Motion 3D Jam. I tested your page and the particles and pointers work. I'll take a look at what you've done and hopefully I can understand it and work some more functionality into it. I'm hoping to integrate the LM into a game I've already started work on.

    Thanks again! This is much-needed!

  • I created a simple game called OUYAtest to test out the resolution on my OUYA, but I can't seem to get it right.

    The window size is 800x600 (for no particular reason).

    I'm using CocoonJS as the wrapper (please point it out if there's something better that I should be using).

    When compiling on Ludei, I first chose portrait fit for the aspect. The result was a rectangle the shape of a phone on my HDTV with my game taking up the top half of it; the bottom half was all whitespace.

    Ludei says "When in doubt, choose all aspects." So I tried again choosing them all. This time the left and bottom solid blocks were cut-off, with the collision being perfectly aligned with the left and bottom of the TV screen. The right block was kind-of in the middle of the screen.

    Anyone here have much success porting their C2 games to OUYA? I don't see a whole lot of documentation at all on this. Please if anyone here is seasoned in this I can really use your wisdom!