same error here.
A workaround for this error is to remove the plugin when asked, than add it in the Plugin tab.
But it still gives an error during the building process.
I must finish a game that needs to post a message on the Facebook wall for IOs/Android and I´m stuck in this issue
It seams to be a so easy task (put a message in the Facebook Wall), but it is taking my sleep away doing it in Construct 2.
Erro message:
Building a Cordova 6.2.0 application.
Using platform cordova-android 5.1.1.
The application name is "Proton"
The package name is ""
Preference android-signed set to true. Application will be signed.
Using Crosswalk Embedded 19
Error: Unable to build; intelxdk.config.additions.xml file includes plugin tags, which are no longer supported. Use the Intel XDK plugin manager to resolve this issue. See
Error: Could not retrieve plugin dependencies for File'.
Error: Plugin File failed to install.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-device" (1.1.2) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-httpd" (0.9.3) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" (1.4.0) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" (3.2.2) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-statusbar" (2.1.3) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" (1.0.3) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-whitelist" (1.2.2) installed.
Plugin "cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview" (1.8.0) installed.[/code:25yrm0rj]
To fix this error
Open you Node or Cordova Terminal and type
Cordova plugin remove cordova-plugin-game
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-game --variable APP_ID="your app ID in playstore"
Done, plugin working fine
Edit: change plugin name from game to facebook, both work in same way