Action RPG Engine (Game Templates)

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From the Asset Store
Fruit Slicer Template & Quality fruit and slice graphics (c3p,png,illustrator files)
  • Action RPG Engine — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>Make the rpg you've always wanted. This RPG template was built with simplicity and flexibility in mind. Use it to build games or learn from it.</p><p>If you have any questions or suggestions, please do contact me!</p><h3>Features</h3><div class="deshr"></div>

    • Highly customisable: Change the HUD completely, add more weapon, skill and item slots. Whatever is needed for your RPG.
    • Smooth Action Camera: Player aims attacks with their crosshair.
    • Action Movement: Player can use stamina (can be disabled) to sprint and dodge attacks.
    • Very simple: Adding your own weapons, skills and items is as simple as adding a single event and 1 sprite. No messing around with databases.
    • Ammo system for weapons
    • Cooldown/recharge system for skills
    • Enemies: Create your own enemies and change their aggressiveness (3 different AI types), attack range, attack speed and more
    • Bosses: Add your own custom AI to enemies using events and gain more control over how they attack. Also, giant health bars!
    • Loot: Enemies can drop weapons, ammo, skills, items and gold for the player to pick up.
    • Map Portals/Linking - Have your player walk to other maps using portals which teleport them.
    • HUD scaling using anchors
    • Help page + Everything is fully commented.
    • Graphics included (in the capx): Player + Goblin monsters + HUD Graphics + Tileset + Sritefont
    • Easy way to save player data.
    • Even though it was made for RPGs, you can make a shooter with it too.

    <p>Third party plugins: Spritefont+ (included)</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Action RPG Engine

  • Quick question here: I wanted to know what resolution is the given art in? (8bit, 16bit, 32bit) just wondering so that I know what art style to pair it with. Thanks!

  • Quick question here: I wanted to know what resolution is the given art in? (8bit, 16bit, 32bit) just wondering so that I know what art style to pair it with. Thanks!

    Most of the art (except some HUD elements and the Goblin King sprite) is 16x16.

  • Do you plan on adding an inventory and maybe some kind of character stats with corresponding sheets?

  • Do you plan on adding an inventory and maybe some kind of character stats with corresponding sheets?

    It's possible, especially if more people request it.

    I left those features out because I wanted to keep it simple. Plus with player stats, most things (e.g. damage, attack speed) are handled by the weapon.

  • Hi, nice game, thank you! I think it will be perfectly the "framework" for my own game programming.

    pre-sale-question: can i modify the "playing field", which mean e.g. replace the different pavements or create individual pathways? how are they structured/built? do you maybe have a starter tutorial to see how certain details can be changed?

    presently the demo does not work on my tablet, i can see the start menu, but nothing happens then. Need advice.

    thankx! greetings


  • Hi, nice game, thank you! I think it will be perfectly the "framework" for my own game programming.

    pre-sale-question: can i modify the "playing field", which mean e.g. replace the different pavements or create individual pathways? how are they structured/built? do you maybe have a starter tutorial to see how certain details can be changed?

    presently the demo does not work on my tablet, i can see the start menu, but nothing happens then. Need advice.

    thankx! greetings


    Thank you!

    Yes, the maps are created using tilemaps. The tileset is included with the template, so you are free to create/edit your own maps with it.

    You can find plenty of tutorials on how to use tilemaps on google. Searching "construct 2 tilemap" brings up quite a few.

    There is a small explanation of how the maps are structured in the README.

    The buttons on the menu use the Mouse behaviour, which as far as I know does not work with touch. Plus, the template doesn't support mobile controls (not yet anyway).

    If you need me to explain anything else, just ask.

  • hi there. thank you for quick response.

    for many of my clients play their games on their several handhelds. by purchasing the personal or busines license i am enabled to use the baviour "touch" . will this work with your template or not? This is crucial for my decision to use your template otherwise i shall opt-out.



  • hi there. thank you for quick response.

    for many of my clients play their games on their several handhelds. by purchasing the personal or busines license i am enabled to use the baviour "touch" . will this work with your template or not? This is crucial for my decision to use your template otherwise i shall opt-out.



    No, touch controls are not in the template as of yet. But I will be working on an update soon.

  • I appreciate that and will purchase then when it' s done. Thank you!

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  • Very cute! This style seems popular lately.

    Perhaps you should create modules to work with this and sell them individually as well as bundled. For instance, procedural levels, inventory, even crafting.

    As for the engine so far, maybe add some dynamic z-sorting for mobs and player? Keep it up!

  • The inventory system update is now live on the Scirra Store! The demo has also been updated, so please do try it out.

    Very cute! This style seems popular lately.

    Perhaps you should create modules to work with this and sell them individually as well as bundled. For instance, procedural levels, inventory, even crafting.

    As for the engine so far, maybe add some dynamic z-sorting for mobs and player? Keep it up!

    Thank you!

    I've added z-sorting in the update (thank you for reminding me).

  • Hi there,

    i am still interested in using your game.

    are there any responsiveness of your updated template for handhelds?



  • Hi there,

    i am still interested in using your game.

    are there any responsiveness of your updated template for handhelds?




    Touch controls aren't supported yet. Once I have figured out a proper control scheme for touch (which shouldn't take long), I'll begin work on the update.

    I will post here once I have started/released it.

  • I'm also waiting for mobile(touch) version to buy this assets. Any news on this?

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