HugosRibas's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • I wouldn't focus in good Graphics! Keep making good usability and make it functional and easy to use. That's all.

    I wouldn't buy it for the graphics, i would make my own graphics anyway.

    I think your price is really cheap if functionality is running smooth, but it makes you sell more so could be a better strategy.

    good luck

  • lamar NoSoul8

    I'm glad so many people share their experience and advice in this thread, thank you very much

    I'm working on it little by little, and I hope it will be ok ^^

    Construct 2 community is great! =D

  • I'm also waiting for mobile(touch) version to buy this assets. Any news on this?

  • Will you guys ever come back to this? It's a very good show but the last one was so long ago.

    We hope that you guys do it again some time in the future.


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  • Am i late on this? Haha

    This is awesome, too bad i only saw it now.

    Love the whole idea about Rikoshe app.

    When will the next one be?

    Good luck for everyone!

  • My structure is the following:

    1 Sprite for the player (invisible, used only for collision) + 1 Sprite for the player's animations

    (since the player will have a lot of sprites + skins I will use a different sprite from the other objects)

    1 Sprite for the objects in the game and for enemies (invisible, used only for collision) + 1 Sprite for animations

    1 Sprite for the level's layout

    1 Sprite for the onscreen buttons/gamepad

    1 Sprite for HUD and other elements

    1 Sprite for the elements in the Main Menu


    While I still use several sprites for the animations, I grouped them and pick them using a variable named "ID".

    Just to make sure, draw calls are made every tick, not just only when a sprite changes frame/animation ?

    Shouldn't you use 'Tiled Background' for level layout?

  • 6 posts