BjoernJ's Forum Posts

  • 5 posts
  • Hi there. I am still there and interested in your game when it can be played on my ipad

    how is it progressing?


  • Hi there,

    i am still interested in using your game.

    are there any responsiveness of your updated template for handhelds?



  • I appreciate that and will purchase then when it' s done. Thank you!

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  • hi there. thank you for quick response.

    for many of my clients play their games on their several handhelds. by purchasing the personal or busines license i am enabled to use the baviour "touch" . will this work with your template or not? This is crucial for my decision to use your template otherwise i shall opt-out.



  • Hi, nice game, thank you! I think it will be perfectly the "framework" for my own game programming.

    pre-sale-question: can i modify the "playing field", which mean e.g. replace the different pavements or create individual pathways? how are they structured/built? do you maybe have a starter tutorial to see how certain details can be changed?

    presently the demo does not work on my tablet, i can see the start menu, but nothing happens then. Need advice.

    thankx! greetings


  • 5 posts