the point of one hour compos are to see what ppl can make in a single hour, its fun, thats the point.
we could have a one week thread, but that would be apart from this.
the point here is to see what ppl can do in a very limited amount of time under constraints, it creates alot of cool and funny stuff.
Certainly, I don't think anyone meant that the one thing would rule the other out - 1 hour competitions are great, but it'd also be cool to have stuff where users have a bit more time to not just see what they can do with their current skills, but where they're forced to put some thoughts into design and see what they could come up with if they'd have a couple of days.
Competitions in general could be very fruitful. Depending on whatever task is given, a realistic timeline could be set.
Only having 1 hour competitions would **** and only having 3 day competitions would **** as well, so let's make a salad. And put some dressing on, is what I'm saying!