The Official Introduce Yourself Thread

From the Asset Store
Introduce a quirky, lively character to your game with the Chirple Sprite Sheet.
  • hello i am from portugal

  • Hi

    I'm old time computer gamer, I started coding etc with C64 and then moved to Amiga.. lately not done much on game related, but have decided to give C2 a whirl and see if I can get something interesting done with it.

  • Hi, I'm new in construct, I'm a Web Developer, interesting in Construct and wanna learn it :)

  • Hi all,,,

    Iam the Beginner,,

    I am regreting using Construct 2,,

    regret why not knowing Construct 2 before..

    now, my first game is my final paper..

    hope it done fast, so I can implement my randomize brain to world wide..

  • Hi Leute ich bin 14 Jahre alt und habe beschlossen

    Plattform spiele und andere spiele mit construct 2

    Zu erstellen ich bin kompletter Anf�nger also k�nnt ihr ruhig Tipps

    Oder Tutorials schicken danke Leute :)

    Euer Sebastian

  • Hi all,

    I've been looking for new inspiration and learning after coming to an end of creating for NeverWinterNights servers. I've had experience with many game editors, through the history of PC Gaming, (First ever being Doom).

    I'm not trying to make it big, but to merely enjoy my new learning curves, and after a few days of playing with CS2, I feel the medium has been chosen. Lovely bit of kit ;o)

  • Hello all!

    I've been on Scirra for about 2 weeks now, mostly as a lurker. I've always wanted to make games, but never had the patience or focus to stick to it. I'm hoping with the ease of Construct 2, I'll be able to finally show my creativity. I hope to meet some constructive peers!

  • My name is Brandon. I've had an interest in developing games ever since I first played Pokemon Blue on my fuschia Gameboy Color when I was six. Picked Construct 2 due to it's friendly UI. Looking forward to developing some fun games for the world to play.

  • Hello guys my name is Paolo (Plaoo) I was trying construct2 for amusement and I have been impressed by its enormous potential. In just 3 days I wrote a small level of platform game in very easy way. I'm a python developer who's learning javascript and as a hobby I'd like to create some games. This is the link to the platform game that I created and the file capx.

    And now I buy my personal license <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 2jhreuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhinvdkbuvbeubviebvieubvieuvbiebvieuvbeurbviebvriuebvrieubvriubvuiebviuebviuebviuebvuievbieubvier,bvieurbvuerv <img src="smileys/smiley7.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    <img src="" border="0" />xdxd

  • Hey everyone!

    I'm a new GameDeveloper from Brazil! I've just finished Game Design School, and..well, nice to meet you all!

    (does people really introduce themselves in this thread?XD)

  • awsome

  • I've been using Construct 2 for around two months now, i finally decided to register and share with the community.

    I hope to learn how to make games here and to contribute with my short experience.

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  • Hans. <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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