The mark

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  • 14 posts
  • Will people who have "the mark" be better treated than those without?

    The medal you get when buying C2 is sort of like the star the jews got by the nazis, except this time those without the mark are being targeted.

    I can not help but feel that this was the soul purpose of the medal itself.

  • Will people who have "the mark" be better treated than those without?

    The medal you get when buying C2 is sort of like the star the jews got by the nazis, except this time those without the mark are being targeted.

    I can not help but feel that this was the soul purpose of the medal itself.

    How so? I don't feel any discrimination going on. The medal is just to signal that they are part of what is going to make C2 so great.

  • Well, I'm kind of a person who see's conspiracys in all things.

  • I'm sorry, but you're seriously comparing the forum badges to how the Jews were treated? SERIOUSLY? >:(

    It's a fun little bonus for people buying C2 in the early adopter phase. It doesn't make anyone better than anyone else. Ashley and Tom don't even have one! Relax, man!

  • like the star the jews got by the nazis, except this time those without the mark are being targeted.

    You seriously had to say that?

  • I would think one's reputation would be a better judge of character (granted it rises by simply posting on the forums...)

    The badge is just incentive to purchase C2 I guess. People love their shiny digital trinkets.

  • The medal you get when buying C2 is sort of like the star the jews got by the nazis, except this time those without the mark are being targeted.

    I can not help but feel that this was the soul purpose of the medal itself.



  • Well, I'm kind of a person who see's conspiracys in all things.

    I do to sometimes, but after spending 3 or more years following Ashely & co, I trust them to do whats best for both them and all of the community.

  • But it is also true that people without a badge suck and don't support the wonderful softwares that CC and C2 are.

    They will all be gathered in a soon to be made part of the forum (the only part of the forum they'll be given the opportunity to see). And then governement will come and count them. After they'll be taken to spaceships and sent into outer space as slaves for aliens populations.

    [/counter trolling conspiracy over]

  • I don't have a badge!

    It's only meant to be a bit of fun. The reason me and Ash don't have a badge is for that very reason, to show it's not needed. We try and treat everyone equally, badge or not.

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  • But it is also true that people without a badge suck and don't support the wonderful softwares that CC and C2 are.

    They will all be gathered in a soon to be made part of the forum (the only part of the forum they'll be given the opportunity to see). And then robots will come and count them. After they'll be taken to spaceships and sent into outer space as slaves for robots populations.

    [/counter trolling conspiracy over]


    Oh, noes they're already here!

  • Hello everyone,

    I just wanted to insert my two cents here about the badges. I downloaded the free versions of Construct Classic and Construct2, made my first little game in the free version of C2, had problems with the minify on export and my music working after uploading to the web. I joined the forum and posted my very first newbie question (still using the free version of Construct, mind you) and Ashley was prompt with an answer and even supplied me with a link to make it super easy for me to resolve my minify issue.

    So, to say that one would (or will) be treated better because of a badge, well, frankly seems incorrect! As a matter of fact, I was happy with the free version but because of the prompt support response I received, I was motivated to upgrade to the paid version.

    It takes a lot of work to run a business and though I just arrived on the scene here, I can say through experience, that the folks behind Construct are working tirelessly to deliver us a very nice product and to support the users of the product, without prejudice....

    Furthermore, I downloaded this nice product to make games for people who are very ill, to try and help take their minds off their worries. I spend countless hours doing this (for free) for people I will never even meet. It is a labor of love, just like it is for the people behind Construct. So, maybe we could all play nice, be respectful of one another and not persecute these folks until they actually do something other than support us and their products??


  • MeJustMe


  • I think the badge idea is brilliant.It shows that the devs of scirra are getting something in return for thier hard work and dedication.Only reason why i don't have one is because i cannot afford anything right now lol.

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