HTML5 Games - Rated M or 18+ only

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From the Asset Store
A collection of 18 amazing pixel sprite sheet animations for your incredible games
  • Hi everyone!

    My name is Jesse Adams, co-founder at MiKandi , the world's largest Adult App Store (warning: site is NSFW). We were recently in the news for the first adult app for Google Glass and now the first third party Chrome app store called MiKandi Mint List (also very NSFW). Adult games is our most popular category on our online portal and search terms related to adult games (i.e. hentai) comprise many of the top ten search queries in our app store. So I wanted to reach out to the community here and hopefully connect with game designers and developers who are interested or are already developing html5 adult games.

    We're really excited about the progress of HTML5 for adult game development, so right now we're exploring different ways to help grow the market. We're interested in commissioning games, collaborations or just simply helping with marketing/distribution. For example we can provide coding help such as integrating our adult-friendly in-app billing APIs, bring advertisers, etc. Or for developers who need design help, we can provide high quality assets, such as custom art and/or high quality adult videos and photos. If this sounds fun and exciting to you, let's talk. If you prefer, you can also reach me privately at


  • Wow, I had no idea about this market, it seems a good opportunity. I doubt about it, do adult games make good money?

  • "We were recently in the news for the first adult app for Google Glass"

    This made me smile a little.

    Actually I would think that you'd probably do better on desktop, rather than mobile, which would fit in with the current state of things.

    Are we talking strip poker, or Super Meat Boy as it should have been?

  • Are we talking strip poker, or Super Meat Boy as it should have been?


    You are responsible for the coffee all over my keyboard! I blew it out my nose laughing at the super meat boy remark.

    Thanks for the laugh!

  • With special move "sugar glider".

  • Well HTML5 is a good move for interactive entertainment as the current standard flash is bulky, although it is a good "All in One" program that allows native (flash vector) animation along with scripting. It also allows small downloads of single files that can be used offline as well (SWF files VS Node-Webkit mandatory min 30MB), however that's the PC market and I assume someone could make a "Node-Webkit Player" like there's a flash player (Since you don't download the player every SWF file) Some web-centric sites might even like that limitation to prevent piracy.

    Spriter would probably be a needed plugin with the articulation and animations you can program with it.

    Although I am unsure how much help this community could do as it's the official forums and adult content is kinda touchy. I suggest -if you haven't already- having people from adult communities try out C2 to see if they could use the software adequately to their vision.

    I don't know if gaming/HTML5 would be like other medias with adult content being at the forefront of change in media methods. (Blue Ray and HD content are good examples of the Adult Industry leading media change) However the more of the web that uses HTML5 the better.

  • I'd love to hear about the kind of games you're expecting on your platform.

    Do you want puzzle games, strip poker/solitaire, memory, etc, or do you want something more like dating sims and hentai VNs?

    Or perhaps something more game-y altogether? I'm guessing visitors are looking more for porn than for games, but maybe that's just a prejudice.

  • (Mom, if you are reading this, stop now, please)

    Adult gaming is something I don't know a lot about, but from what I've saw, there are mostly board games, interactive animations, or visual novels, sometimes featuring non-human characters like ponies in extreme cases (How I know that? Mom, I said stop reading ;_;).

    The point is that there are a lot of categories possible for those kind of games, but I think people search these games essentially to find:

    -potential good gameplay

    -good story and characters

    -Graphic style that make you think "I can do everything you want *p*"

    -naughty things (can vary, better if they can choose)

    -an ending that satisfy them, by satisfy I mean them feeling it was good to be there playing that

    yes, That is what I can think of, otherwise, they wouldn't search for interactive contents

    (this list don't apply easily for board games, of course)

  • Joannesalfa

    Yes, of course! You may think I'm biased <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />, but it's definitely a large market and as an app store operator we personally see huge demand for adult mobile games from our users (we have bout 4.5 million users). Just for reference, take a look at the high play counts of the flash games on sites like and other portals. On PC, adult games and a CG videos enjoy a strong fanbase. A large part of how adult game publishers make money though is not only straight sales of their game, but also earning affiliate rev-share on subscriptions sites that host more games and content.

    On mobile, we're just in the beginning stages. We think it will grow faster on mobile than it ever did on PC, because within a few years more players around the world will discover your games first on a mobile device than PC and plus the private, but interactive and touch-screen experience is just too perfect for adult games <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • "We were recently in the news for the first adult app for Google Glass"

    This made me smile a little.

    Actually I would think that you'd probably do better on desktop, rather than mobile, which would fit in with the current state of things.

    Are we talking strip poker, or Super Meat Boy as it should have been?

    Ha! Actually both types would be well received. For example some of the top search terms related to games are:

    hentai, boobs, stripping, poker, virtual girls/guys, dating sims, puzzles, strip poker, interactive comics. Plenty more, (adult entertainment is highly personal than mainstream), but maybe too explicit to mention here.

  • Well HTML5 is a good move for interactive entertainment as the current standard flash is bulky, although it is a good "All in One" program that allows native (flash vector) animation along with scripting. It also allows small downloads of single files that can be used offline as well (SWF files VS Node-Webkit mandatory min 30MB), however that's the PC market and I assume someone could make a "Node-Webkit Player" like there's a flash player (Since you don't download the player every SWF file) Some web-centric sites might even like that limitation to prevent piracy.

    Spriter would probably be a needed plugin with the articulation and animations you can program with it.

    Although I am unsure how much help this community could do as it's the official forums and adult content is kinda touchy. I suggest -if you haven't already- having people from adult communities try out C2 to see if they could use the software adequately to their vision.

    I don't know if gaming/HTML5 would be like other medias with adult content being at the forefront of change in media methods. (Blue Ray and HD content are good examples of the Adult Industry leading media change) However the more of the web that uses HTML5 the better.

    Well as a mobile-first company, flash is out of the question for us. But reaching out to adult companies is a great suggestion. I'm already thinking that some of our studio partners might be interested in sponsoring advergames to promote their brand/website. We love the openness of android, since we're able to take full advantage of the device capabilities but we're really excited about the progress and flexibility of HTML5 to create awesome adult games faster and reach a greater audience. And since C2 is doing a great job (solving tough issues like audio) with porting to mobile and native android, it opens even more doors for distribution.

    On a side note, we've been predicting that Chrome and Android will converge with HTML5 in the middle. For example, the Google Glass app we made is HTML on the front end, but it's also paired to your phone through an Android app. These type of hybrid apps will keep growing, but the straight html5 games I've seen from the C2 community are catching up! Also Tizen devices are just around the corner and they will also heavily promote html5 games, so it's definitely the right time to start getting your hands dirty with C2 and build games...we just think 18+ is a lot more interesting :)

  • I'd love to hear about the kind of games you're expecting on your platform.

    Do you want puzzle games, strip poker/solitaire, memory, etc, or do you want something more like dating sims and hentai VNs?

    Or perhaps something more game-y altogether? I'm guessing visitors are looking more for porn than for games, but maybe that's just a prejudice.

    Thanks for asking, but most of the requests might be too explicit to talk about here, so please email me at and I can share more details there. Overall, I can say that we're looking for all types of games, because literally we're getting all types of requests (thousands of unique search terms every month).   Videos and straight porn is definitely one of the top requests, but it's actually not our #1 request. Our recent #1 request has been hentai games for the past 6 months. Plus overall, our games category receives the most visits. It's the interactive and personalized experiences that's driving the most revenue in the adult industry today.

  • I sent you an e-mail, [hidden]

    It contains links, so it might have ended in your spam folder.

    Do you already have partners capable of producing art? That's the most difficult part for me since I'm a designer/programmer/writer. I know a few illustrators that do comicbook art, but I don't have any expertise in the field to know whether the transition to hentai would be easy.

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  • wow, something is moving forward!

    mikandi thanks for treating C2 devs seriously

  • I sent you an e-mail, [hidden]

    It contains links, so it might have ended in your spam folder.

    Do you already have partners capable of producing art? That's the most difficult part for me since I'm a designer/programmer/writer. I know a few illustrators that do comicbook art, but I don't have any expertise in the field to know whether the transition to hentai would be easy.

    Thanks, yup just sent you a reply!

    Just to let everyone know here, yes we can help provide custom artwork either in-house or through our network. Just depends on what style. For example, we can provide quality background set designs, sprites, characters, props, especially if it's 2d comic style and/or hentai. For cover art and marketing/promotional materials, we can also provide inhouse or sometimes we consider working with another artist who specializes in a certain style we want. We're open to 3D, but I think since the market is so new, best to focus on high quality 2D games that are visually stunning and run well. Either way we would take care of it, so you can just worry about the game mechanics and development.

    On a similar note, we can also help create professional promo/demo videos of the games (youtube-friendly version and uncensored version to post on adult sites).

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