gta china town wars

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  • Did you try the Nintendo DS GTA China Town Wars yet?

    I've played 2 minutes and I think it's impressive for a Nintendo DS title.

    I wonder how long it took to create everything you see, such as: buildings, fences and other small things. I want a behind-the-scenes look.

    One small thing I noticed: when holding down the punch button, it keeps hitting continiously, without stopping. So as long as you hold the button, it keeps boxing with his 2 fists. Even while walking.

    Would you also choose for this if you were designing this game?

    It's perhaps better than 1 push = 1 hit and easier to implement than a combo-style of fighting.

    Or maybe (top-down) gta was just not made for brawling...

    As for Construct, is there anything you can think of, that is possible in gta 1, 2 or China Town Wars, which perhaps cannot be done in Construct? (more in terms of gameplay, than graphic-wise)

    <img src="">

  • i dont see why it couldnt be made, the gameplay seems strictly 2d.

    for some reason it looks like the graphics are voxels to me, im prolly wrong tho

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  • the gameplay seems pretty simple, i doubt it would be a problem for construct.. The only challenging part i could think of (programming wise) is making the cars and pedestrians randomly appear in a realistic manner like in other gta games. Then again Gta wasn't always that realistic in its earlier games. You have to remember that games like gta have large teams dedicated to things like level design and decoration. For one man it would be a mighty task to make a large detailed city.

  • the gameplay seems pretty simple, i doubt it would be a problem for construct.. The only challenging part i could think of (programming wise) is making the cars and pedestrians randomly appear in a realistic manner like in other gta games. Then again Gta wasn't always that realistic in its earlier games. You have to remember that games like gta have large teams dedicated to things like level design and decoration. For one man it would be a mighty task to make a large detailed city.


    And the pedestrians act in this version, if I recall correctly, about the same as in GTA 1 and 2.

    They walk on sideways, react on gun shots, run away from violence, can fight back and a can walk around obstacles.

  • i dont see why it couldnt be made, the gameplay seems strictly 2d.

    for some reason it looks like the graphics are voxels to me, im prolly wrong tho

    They're cel shaded polygons actually. I have the game, it is pretty damn impressive looking in person.

    As for Construct, it could probably make something like this if it had 3D mesh support.

  • > i dont see why it couldnt be made, the gameplay seems strictly 2d.


    > for some reason it looks like the graphics are voxels to me, im prolly wrong tho


    They're cel shaded polygons actually. I have the game, it is pretty damn impressive looking in person.

    As for Construct, it could probably make something like this if it had 3D mesh support.

    Judicious use of the 3D box object could be a start. I'd imagine it's not as easy it it'd look, though.

  • No, probably not. You'd have to be fitting multiple boxes together like puzzle pieces to make buildings, unless you wanted perfectly square buildings. It could be done, though.

  • the camera is not looking straight down, it's slanted.

    That could be an issue. GTA 1&2 have a straight top-down perspective though, and everything is made with flat sprites (except for just fences I think). that's all doable with 3D Box and some math for positioning sprites above ground level.

  • yes, but it would be an hell positioning every bit of wall that is sticking out,

    i think, the best way to create this is by having a ground layer,

    a walls layer, & top of the building-layer.

    the walls layer should squeeze between the other 2 layers when you move closer.

    all with some clever parallax usage, i think it's do-able. havn't done it yet however. i only calculated the options in my head :P (i've seen "Indiegame: the movie <3", i know i'm not alone! haha)

    i will get to a point in my own C2 creation where i need this exact concept like top-down GTA's do.

    will update on the parallax ideas.

    ...and i just noticed that this topic is old....

    nvm me :-)

  • I thought about this, and figured I'd try it out. If you notice though, the buildings in Chinatown and I and II are "3D." I couldn't find a way to make the buildings, but I've been able to make people and make the guy move and shoot (mainly the basics).

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