This engine is interesting. I have tried it, but I don't have the shadows, and the engine is not pretty ccol than the layers editor of Construct.
I think it could be really great to have this system of shadows and multi-textures in an object in Construct.
A multi-textures/image for a sprite is good to others things like customisation for a character (to equip himself with sword, clothes..), or other interestings things ("static" shadows).
Perhap's a shadow systeme could be "faked" by a filter like dropshadow but in isometric view, with an option like moving the top of the shadow, and give to the SizeY of transformation (/3 for example), we could fake a shadow system.
Not the same, but another shadow system .
The source of this engine seems to be here :
or an old link here :
http://sourceforge.net/projects/ethanon ... p/download
Edit :
One of my test :
<img src="http://blendman.free.fr/ark/construct/ethanon_Scene.jpg">
If you want to test the Sprite , and if you do the same in construct, you can post .cap :
<img src="http://blendman.free.fr/ark/construct/barrel.png">
<img src="http://blendman.free.fr/ark/construct/barrelN2.png">