Good Website Services?

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  • Hello Scirra Community!

    I'm willing to invest on a web site of my own.

    Are there any hosting services or website creation tools you recommend?

    I'll appreciate your comments and suggestions!

  • I have never really found a good service. They are either over priced, with great service, or they are cheap, with no service.

    1to1 hosting is about the worst there is.

    Next is webgator.

    I am currently using FatCow for my clients, but they are really really **** about the way you use their site.

    They do stupid things like insist that a password has a cap, a number and 2 punctuation symbols. YOu also have to keep it between 6-12 characters.

    Their entire site is like this. For americans they insist on you entering your phone number as they do in asia and europe.

    If you are able to deal with a bunch of really backwards things like this, then they are really reasonable priced, and the servers are pretty fast.

    If you want your own server, where you can install your own OS, and run gamed from I suggest .

    I have a minecraft,Running with Rifels, and an Ace of Spades server.

    They are around $5 a month, but like fatcow there is no tech support to speak of.

    the DMEW servers have Ubuntu-Server ISO's that can install from a script, so all the website stuff is done for you by default. Things like Apachee are auto installed and somewhat configured for you.

  • Wow! All the information you've written is extremely helpful!

    I was considering either goddaddy or fatcow. It seems that the best course of action is to rent a server and build the website from zero, although it will require considerable programming knowledge (which I'm willing to learn).

    Joejoe, I appreciate your time for writing an excellent reply!

    Thanks a lot!!!

  • depending on your budget, chicagovps, buyvm, alienlayer, and of course, ASO is nice too (and already includes fantastico).

    I've been a user of the last two and I highly recommend them.

  • jojoe What makes 1and1 the worst? I know plenty of folks who run their business sites through 1 and 1. I have been looking at the myself.

  • Thanks for the recommendation! I've been paying close attention to fatcow, since this is going to be my first website, and Fat Cow's collection of CMS' and Services seem adequate for what I want--a simple website where I can present my projects to the indie community (with a domain of my own). Fat Cow's services are quite similiar to those of How is your experience so far with ASO? Are you able to use PHP, Ruby and Joomla in it?

  • Yes, RoR, PHP, MySQL, cPanel, Softaculous (Wordpress, Joomla, phpBB, OpenCart, SMF, Prestashop, Drupal, MyBB, Dolphin, more, etc):

  • With the slightly annoying issue of their SMTP servers winding up on SpamCop's black list every couple of months, I've had pretty darn good luck with GoDaddy...but not with their normal hosting.

    We've got a Virtual Dedicated Server (i.e. our own server in a VMHost on a shared server with other VMHosted servers.) I went with the 0 support option because...well, that's what I do for one of my businesses.

    Currently I'm hosting 6-7 domains off of it (some for our own businesses, some for clients) and have had 99.9999% uptime with no major issues to speak of. Have had to contact my personal support agent 3 times, and all three were simple setup issues that were fixed within 5 minutes.

    Our bandwidth is pushing about 25% of our limit. Once we hit around 75% we'll step up and get a dedicated server instead of sharing. Even able to put up a personal minecraft server for friends to play on together with no issues.

    Now, their normal shared hosting stuff...was on that for our first web app/game and it ended up a nightmare.

  • Domain = godaddy

    Hosting = hostgator

    VPS = hostgator

    Dedicated server = Media Temple

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  • jegcelorio I usually go with a different hosting service each year this way I get deals. There all pretty similar some are cheap, and will spam your email trying to sell you extra stuff you don't need daily. And some are a little more expensive, and will give you better service. I guess you get what you pay for.

    For a beginner I would recommend Hostgator mainly because of there easy to use cPanel, and great service. They are a little more expensive though.

    This year I went with iPage. So far I am very happy with them. If you decide to go with iPage go all the way to the checkout. Then try either going back one page at a time or just try closing the page. I did this while shopping for a new hosting service, and a new page opened offering me everything for $23.88 USD for one year. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • Thanks for the Hostgator tip! It's another hosting service that I'm considering. I'm glad for the iPage discount you've described!

    jogosgratispro:WOW! For a second stage in my hosting plans, that list is great!

    for the insight regarding goddady! What's the app&game you have sold digitally? I'm eager to know about it!

    Thanks everyone! As soon as I open my website, I'll let you know about the service I've chosen and its pros/cons!

  • It was a web based MMO, actually. It's going through a rewrite using C2 as the front end. Will be launching it again once I get everything done. Was called Universal Wrestling Experience (UWE) and was in the same vein as another web MMO called The Wrestling Game.

    The problem was something or someone (could never get GoDaddy's canned tech support they have for their normal hosting side to figure it out) was physically deleting php files from our account. Needless to say that caused problems.

    That's the other advantage of GoDaddy's dedicated server and virtual dedicated servers...their support is in house rather than outsourced over seas. When you call, you actually get people who can do things and take the time to listen to YOU about what you've already done rather than make you jump through hoops in a script before passing you off to a higher tier support.

  • BluePhaze, sorry for the delayed reply,

    1to1 may have changed, but about 5 years ago they where a complete nightmare to deal with.

    If your payment lapses, they will give you a 1-2 day warning before they pull your site down which is somewhat understandable.

    What sucks, is that they make a special effort to make a webpage on your domain that advertises your competitors sites, or offensive products.

    I did one of the sites for a Church group, and they made a bunch of links to BSDM toy sites (torture devices, leather clothes, **** yet sensible edible underwear).

    The other site that lapsed was a gate company, and they listed all of their competition.

    I leave the billing stuff up to the client to avoid complications. Some people do not answer their email every day or even every week. The church group got terrorized f1rst, and then before I could get all of my clients moved over to another host they nailed the gate company.

    Once you pay them off, and your penalty fee, it takes them 4-5 days to change your domain back.

    Their tech support is non-english speaking most of the time, and trying to get email, or webchat help is like putting a help message in a bottle ,and throwing it into the sea.

    Put that up there with over sold servers, and major amounts of downtime, it is really not worth it. Their tactic are those of terrorists, and pirates.

    Extorting people like this is just the tip of the ice-burg. You will go through layers, and layers of 'scumbaggerie' if you choose to deal with these degenerates.

  • Hello everyone!

    I've decided to invest on ASO (A Small Orange). Great costumer service. I used it for asking questions to the staff regarding their hosting plans. I'm in the development phase of my website know. I'll let everyone know how the ASO servers handle traffic, and the website's up/down times.

  • You've made your choice but I'm going to throw my 2 cents anyway. I'm using Decker Services, which I found on as a participant of some random stranger's free web host longevity research. Decker Services ranked top with the longest uptime over 3 years and fast, concise response to problems.

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