BluePhaze, sorry for the delayed reply,
1to1 may have changed, but about 5 years ago they where a complete nightmare to deal with.
If your payment lapses, they will give you a 1-2 day warning before they pull your site down which is somewhat understandable.
What sucks, is that they make a special effort to make a webpage on your domain that advertises your competitors sites, or offensive products.
I did one of the sites for a Church group, and they made a bunch of links to BSDM toy sites (torture devices, leather clothes, **** yet sensible edible underwear).
The other site that lapsed was a gate company, and they listed all of their competition.
I leave the billing stuff up to the client to avoid complications. Some people do not answer their email every day or even every week. The church group got terrorized f1rst, and then before I could get all of my clients moved over to another host they nailed the gate company.
Once you pay them off, and your penalty fee, it takes them 4-5 days to change your domain back.
Their tech support is non-english speaking most of the time, and trying to get email, or webchat help is like putting a help message in a bottle ,and throwing it into the sea.
Put that up there with over sold servers, and major amounts of downtime, it is really not worth it. Their tactic are those of terrorists, and pirates.
Extorting people like this is just the tip of the ice-burg. You will go through layers, and layers of 'scumbaggerie' if you choose to deal with these degenerates.