J-rpg construct demo project

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Alright, well I can add images like this:

    <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/69omfo.jpg">

    I think that's close to your image style

    i like it. I think it's very nice. Except the shadow which shold be a bit more flaten.

  • Alright, well I can add images like this:

    <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/69omfo.jpg">

    I think that's close to your image style

    just give that shadow some realistic forshortening

    itll look less 2d.

  • > Alright, well I can add images like this:

    > <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/69omfo.jpg">

    > I think that's close to your image style


    just give that shadow some realistic forshortening

    itll look less 2d.

    I would squize it a little bit from the top.

    edit@ btw no one is giving comments on the characters ^^'

  • The characters are awesome, perfect for an rpg.

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  • I think we should make some kind of "List of Laws" (lol that sounds good) about ie. graphic style for sprites like: size, colour style, what angle to view at, becouse it would help with overall graphic optimization process (imagine doing awesome art that not fit to game style - yeah just wasted 3 hours drawing in paint ).

    Same with sounds, music, etc.

  • to late for edit...

    And maybe a "to do" list so everyone kwno what to and is not doing the same thing others do.

  • to not to do same things people just have to cooperate with each other. programmers with programmers, gfx artistst with ... etc. they should post here they work.

    i`m not worrie about the gfx angle etc since i think i'm the only one right now who is doing envirements and characters gfx.

  • Hey mega could you tell me what programm 3d do you use , or give me some tips for a 3d newbie in modeling . Cause i like your simple but awesome graphic style ^^

  • We need to have some kind of website to base this project off. Could be a blog based thing or whatever, I just think that we need a to-do list somewhere, that people can edit and add comments on so we don't get confused.

    I suppose a Battle engine will be needed, so that will be my first project. If no-one adds any of their own ideas I'll base it around the FF system (FF7 as I haven't played the PS2 titles).

  • would you be able to prepare this list?

    i'll start blog in a sec.

    edit: started


    give me your email alee so you can edit "to-do-list".

  • sent. Although i dont have a blogspot account...

    Btw, isn't it spelt "Wanderer"? Not sure..

  • you right. it`s with "a" . my mystake.

    new adress http://thedarkwanderergame.blogspot.com/

    (unfortunately thedarkwanderer.bogspot.com is already taken by some fucker)

    blog features: to-do-list and team chat

  • ok i need to say this. I never have any blog, read blogs or be active on any blog so i have a silly question: how to post a reply on blogspot site? do i need to have a profile on aim, openID etc. ?

  • i think to post a comment you don't have to sign in. just type nick name and captcha.

  • working on animations. it's not perfect yet

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