Whats the deal on audio?

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  • Ok Ive got a timer behavior that plays one song during the day, and another during the night.

    Thing is Im getting this(pic)

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/119rw3o.jpg">

    After each song is played I get a new instance of the decoder in my task bar.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    btw Im using mp3's with "play resource", autoplay wont work with mp3's.

    Also OGG is still broke.

  • [quote:1nrukqhv]After each song is played I get a new instance of the decoder in my task bar.

    Is there a way to fix this?

    Change your codec settings?

  • There's should be only one instance. Probably the icons from taskbar doesn't disappear. Move mouse over them and they should go away.

  • [quote:22euhgvd]Change your codec settings?

    Um.. to what

    [quote:22euhgvd]There's should be only one instance. Probably the icons from taskbar doesn't disappear. Move mouse over them and they should go away.

    Nope, each play creates anew instance, and doesn't close the old.

    I could literally have dozens of icons in the bar.

  • [quote:3cjsti62]Change your codec settings?

    Um.. to what

    I dunno. Depends on what codec pack you're using, I guess. But there should be some kind of option in your decoder configuration for "Show/hide tray icon."

  • Sounds like a codec issue, for sure.

  • this is an issue with an ffdshow codec configuration, this is fixed by entering the ffdshow settings and on the left selecting the "icons, paths and configuration" and selecting "none" at the top.

    edit: for some reason the ffdshow icon does not disappear from the taskbar after finishing playback of the media file (this happens in construct and some other programs, not always, so it has to do something with the playback object, not the codec)

  • Did a bit of experimenting, and it seems it only happens when the sound is not cached.

    Thing is the wiki says that's only for .wav files, or sounds other than music.

    So it would have to be an error on the games side, not the codec.

    Here's a test cap somebody want to confirm, before I upload it to the tracker?


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  • 'Play music' can play MP3s natively without any other codecs installed. I think this is an issue with the codec. Besides, why on earth is it necessary for the codec to put in a task bar icon when playing an MP3?? Caching doesn't affect the 'Play Music' action either, so I'm not sure why that's relevant.

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