Some questions...

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  • Yo...

    I've been using construct for some time now...

    and even playing with it to learn, I still got some questions...

    Well, I have to say that I was an adept of mmf, so, I'm much more familiar with it...

    1- Where's those damn counters? You know, in mmf, we have counters to count... XD but, in construct, the only thing I can do to count, is using variables from an object or the global variables...

    but, how can I show then on the screen?

    2- Are the events Trigger Once from construct, and "only one action when the event loops" from click makers equivalent? I whant exactly what the event says... only one action when the event loops...

    3- Can someone make a tutorial for people that are coming from click prograns? Something simple, teaching how to work with animations correctly with a plataform game...?

  • 1. You can use "Text" objects for numeric counters. If you want to make other counters (h/v bar, animated etc.) you should check out Canvas' methods for drawing.

    2. They are equal.

    3. Too busy, sorry ^^. Anyways my first impression tells that in Construct you'll have to care more about starting/stopping animation manually.

  • platform/animation example:

  • Yeah, the Text object can pretty much do everything the Counter object can, only it can also display text.

    Trigger Once means that the the event will only trigger one time while the rest of the conditions in the event are true. For example:

    +Control "Move Left" is down
    +Trigger Once
       -sprite: Set direction to 180
       -sprite: Set animation to "walking"
    That will set the direction and walking animation only [i]one time[/i] during the entire time the left key is held down.  That means you aren't setting the animation to "walking" over and over again every tick.  By the way this is just an example and not necessarily how you should actually do your animation .
    And I'm currently working on a series of platformer tutorials and part of the tutorial is how to do animations.  (No, I haven't abandoned it, I've just been busy with Chamber )
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  • Tanks people...

    i really appreciate the help...

    now, I can try some other things on construct...

    that damn tutorial it's jus what I need... for now, at least... that I first whant to work with animations...

    Then, i will start to make my own engine of movement...

    oh, btw, i'm translating construct to my home-country language... maybe tomorrow i finish it...

  • Try running through the Ghost Shooter tutorial on the learn page. It should teach you the basics and get you going.

    Also, the translation engine isn't finished yet. You won't be able to fully translate everything!

  • ha, this is simple wonderfull!

    we don't even need to use a expression to convert a string to a number!

    I have one more question...

    What exactly is saved when we use the save file on the system object?

    this is, well, i actually saved it... and it doesn't save the variables of the objects... looks like it saves only the global variables... and things rellated to the system right?

    well better this way... I prefer using a array...

  • When you save with quicksave or save to file, it should save everything. If it doesn't save object variables, that's a bug. If you can save and then load and it doesn't come back exactly as it was saved, that's a bug.

  • oh tanks, now i found it,

    not a bug at all... sorry...

    But, well... saves everything? the positivon of objects in other layouts, theyrs values...?

    No need to answer at all, it's just that i became a little impressed

    Man... if it's like this, then, construct have all to be the biggest on those makers... and with python... man... you're awesome doing this program!

    Oh... and one more thing(again XD) well, just to say, that construct was crashing and a bugging with objects simple disappearing, on the layout editor when we put them in, but they still appears in the event sheet...

    Well, I solved this disabling the skin, and working with just the XP theme...crash nor bugs since it.

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