Windows 7

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  • Okay, so I've installed Windows 7. So far so pwetty, but as I tried to run older projects (compiled games), it asked me for DX9 August 2008 release.

    DX11 is not good enough?

    Edit: err, this should be in Help stuff...

  • No it's not. Microsoft like to cock things up a little.

  • I am on Win7 right now. Just install the DirectX package that comes with Construct. It won't override your DX11.

  • I guess it's like the .net framework though it keeps improving, they are still somewhat independent to each other in the sense that softwares who use a certain version won't accept a newer one.. so you need to install all

  • So, yeah, I somehow got Construct to work, but not without issues:

    <img src="">

    Since Windows 7 are going to become the next standard (like XP replaced 98), I guess it would be wise to make Construct conform to Windows 7 a little. But let's wait a bit, it is just a release candidate still and maybe Microsoft will wisen up about some things...


    Anyway, bring 0.99 on!

  • Mipey: did you run the full installer with the VC 2005 redist install?

    Microsoft describes the August 2008 update as an "optional update" to DirectX 9, which makes things frustratingly complicated. DX11 does not mean you have optional updates for previous versions of DirectX. I was hoping they'd start fully including all the components... they might throw it in the final release... but argh, the headaches this has caused us. Stupid redistribution!

  • Mipey: did you run the full installer with the VC 2005 redist install?

    Microsoft describes the August 2008 update as an "optional update" to DirectX 9, which makes things frustratingly complicated. DX11 does not mean you have optional updates for previous versions of DirectX. I was hoping they'd start fully including all the components... they might throw it in the final release... but argh, the headaches this has caused us. Stupid redistribution!

    Ah, lucky number 7, right ash? XD

    I'm glad i did not have to go through vista crap, and sticked with xp. My girlfriend got it and it's realy slow and acward. I'll wait till 7 final relise and get myself new pc or laptop with it.

  • Don't forget to run the other installer that opens, for the redistributables.

    Others have reported it working fine on Windows 7 after that.

  • Yeah, it works now, however that poses a question of convenience; would players have to download those optional redistributables as well in order to play the Construct games?

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  • The Direct-X, yes.

  • I've installed plenty of games that make me download or install a directx component or runtime library, etc. As long as it's automated in the installation process of the game, it shouldn't be a problem or a convenience issue.

  • actually *most* games install the redistributable, it just pops during the install and you kinda have to agree. Fortunately it detects versions properly so no worries.

    Can we pack the redistributable with the installer Construct creates? even if the size blows up, that'd save a lot of headaches if and when a Construct game goes commercial

  • Yeah, we're planning something to pack in the required DLLs soon, maybe not 0.99 though.

  • Windows 7 is pretty bitchin. Have been using it since Beta 1 on my workstation and never had any bigger trouble. Drivers work, applications are fast and responsive and the system just feels a lot better than Vista, which always felt sorta slow and laggy.

  • for some reason, win7 feels faster even when compared to winxp the only issue i have is that using win7 renders my video card useless for directx ... poo

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