empty project, the object in question
+ 1 text object displaying vram remaining
hash table with 10 keys
2522873856 k in vram
12576 k in task manager
10x1x1 array
2522873856 k in vram
12556 k in task manager
0x0 sprite with 10 entries (invisible and off screen)
2522873856 k in vram
12528 k in task manager
0x0 sprite makes 0 impact in vram when invisible
I did this twice, accidentally erased my post the first time
and the other time the sprite used the most ram in task manager
with the array in second. I guess it doesn't make much of a difference
it's all a matter of convenience
unless you plan on having 100s of variables, which I do
but then, you'll probably need an array
or a bunch of sprites storing xy info anyway
I think it's low priority,
but I don't think it's worth getting all aggressive about
also, I get his point
it is a workaround. it's no big deal
it's not like construct is full of em
but it is.
putting a text object I don't need in a project in order to store variables locally
is a workaround
it's not even a pain in the **** it's almost as simple as having an object made for it
but it is a workaround.