Hey guys,
Just a quickie, cause I've been thinking about that:
Would it be possible at the moment to use Construct for episodic games? Basically, what that means is that the player would have to be able to save:
1) His character and all of his stats.
2) The choices he made during the game (example, could be a global variable: Did player kill NPC X? Yes / No).
3) Options he set in the Options Box, like resolution, full-screen, brightness, camera options, etc.
4) Whether or not he has completed this episode.
as a file, so it could then be loaded for the next episode (which would be a different exe file, basically a new game that just uses the old save file to keep going).
Is it possible to determine what events / stats will go into the save file and can we somehow set Construct to be able to load in the file and read all the data in it, even if it's a new compile / a new episode?
I think Construct could be an awesome testbed for stuff like that and it'd be great if we could release episodic content like that without the player losing all the hard work he put into it.