Construct 0.98.6 released

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Line 98 classic windows game play, he game continues until the grid fills up and no more moves are possible
  • [quote:2cx7gt0a]- [FIX] Pingpong now handles the 'repeat' thing. However, this may be changed later

    but still normal "repeat to" don't work correctly

    10 frames animation when "repeat to" is set to 1 goes like this:

    frame numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5,6....etc - correct

    10 frames animation when "repeat to" is set to 5 goes like this:

    frame numbers: 1,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5,6,7,8,9,10,9,8,7,6,5....etc - not so correct heh

    it plays frame nr 1, skips frames: 2,3,4 then plays frames from 5 to 10 and "ping-pong" them.

    even if "ping-pong" is off

    Ugh ffs okay next build it should work perfectly! I had a tiny typo in there and it broked it

  • - [CHANGE] Platform: To jump down through a platform you now have to hold down the down button and hit jump

    Tiny bug... this only works if the "Move Down" control hasn't been renamed to something else. For instance, I renamed it to "Down."

    Submitted to SourceForge.

  • Might want to update the home page too!

  • The devs have recently begun running the new builds by the forums before updating the front page, just to make sure there aren't any new, last-minute, game-breaking bugs.

  • Ah, makes sense. Sorry to be an ass, then.

  • You know guys,in that new version i can't delete objects.may be something's wrong with my copy,because neither my "del" button nor in-menu delete command don't work.

  • I had that problem in 0.98.5, and I guess it hasn't been fixed. Basically, when you delete something, a box pops up asking if you really want to do that, with a check box to not display the box anymore. If you have that checkbox checked and hit no, you'll never be able to delete an object again until you reinstall construct.

  • Man,that sure sucks.but thanks i know the whole truth.

  • you guys/gals rock!

    I love this software.


  • Great build guys!

    What's this collision mask button in the image editor do? Can seem to do anything with it

  • Great build guys!

    What's this collision mask button in the image editor do? Can seem to do anything with it

    I don't think it's enabled yet, but I'm guessing it will let you draw a different bitmap collision mask for that particular sprite to use, rather than using the sprite itself.

  • Oh, I think it's something David was working on which isn't done yet. It'll either disappear in the next build, or do something useful!

  • Also noticed it sometimes crashes when you use the numpad keyboard shortcuts when the hotspot tool isn't selelected.

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  • Speaking of hotspots, I recall the original conversation about changing the method by which it's viewed included a way to toggle whether or not it oriented the image by the hotspot. In other words, the ability to do it both the old way and the new way, by using a checkbox labeled "Align to hotspot" or some such. Is that still in the works?

    Also, as far as the hotspot crash when hitting the numpad while the hotspot isn't visible... perhaps you shouldn't be able to change the hotspot while the hotspot tool isn't selected anyway?

  • Also, as far as the hotspot crash when hitting the numpad while the hotspot isn't visible... perhaps you shouldn't be able to change the hotspot while the hotspot tool isn't selected anyway?

    But it's so much easier the way it is.

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