Was that addon ported?

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  • Hi, BL4CKWAT3R

    Download options for the file depend on the plugin. When you click the plugin's name and click on the version you want, it will either download the file directly, or take you to an addon exchange page, or to a github repo.

    In case you end up with an addon that only provides the github repo as a download option, you can take a look at the root of the repo if direct downloads are made available in the readme. If that is not the case, you can either download the entire repo, or dowload the files manually and recreate the C3 addon (which is usually just the folder in the repo zipped and renamed to use a .c3addon extension).

    What addon are you trying to download? Maybe I can help a bit more with that.

  • Hey

    Thanks for the quick response! I was trying to download the RexRainbow MoveTo beahavior. If I can port that and a few others then I should be okay to switching from C2 to C3. Otherwise I'll have to stick with C2 (which is fine. I just like some of the features C3 offers)

  • Hi, BL4CKWAT3R

    Well, moveto is one of the plugins that eren ported, he has a full list of the downloads hosted on the root of his github repo, right there:


    and the download for moveto is here:


    If you need other plugins, take a look at the rest of the list, since the list is community maintained, it might not be always up to date. So if you find it somewhere, please add it to the list:


  • Hi , Eren

    I want to thank you for the time you are providing to the community by porting these addons to all C2 users and help us to migrate our projects to C3.

    One plugin that has not been ported to the C3 runtime is "rex_TagText", can you assist in porting this addon to C3, at the time it only has 2.5 support and is one that has been requested early on.


    This would help me port over a multitude of projects to C3 as well as im sure others in the community.

    Thanks again for your hard work.

  • HI Animate sadly that addon is very hard to port. That's mainly due to the fact that there is no accessible API for drawing text on the layout in C3.

    Also the C3 text plugin covers a lot of the tag text features now, so it's better for everyone to use it instead.

    Since it has 2.5 support, I really recommend you move to C3, and replace it with the regular text addon to be able to switch to c3runtime and add your missing features back.

    Sorry, but I don't see this plugin getting ported to C3runtime soon :(

    And finally, this is one of the rex plugins that should not get ported to C3runtime because new users might try using it when it's much better if they stay away from it because it won't get any kind of support or updates, and vanilla alternatives do exist, but this is the least important reason.

  • Could you port the Rex_Simulate_Keyevent plugin to construct 3? I believe it only has a construct 2 and 2.5 version here: github.com/rexrainbow/C3Plugins/tree/master/plugins/rex_simulate_keyevent

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  • Here it is a behavior "Destroy inside layout by Sailer" (C2Runtime & C3Runtime versions, I ported the behavior to the C3Runtime) and demo to it: drive.google.com/file/d/1jf86vgcke5S071MFccMiSrAtlr0dz2Px/view

  • Here it is a behavior "Destroy inside layout by Sailer" (C2Runtime & C3Runtime versions, I ported the behavior to the C3Runtime) and demo to it: drive.google.com/file/d/1jf86vgcke5S071MFccMiSrAtlr0dz2Px/view


    Can you add it to the list here?


    I'll make sure to confirm your contribution asap.

    (This basically works like the website's database)

  • I've ported new addons to the C3Runtime (you can download them from the table: (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oxbmtXqXcW64IAU_4noZchLMxVrPeA4jD_rqTw35H2w/edit#gid=0)


    Rex_Spline (with C2Runtime support)


  • Thanks a lot :)

    No need to download them from the spreadsheet. They appear on the website immediately

  • Added new addons to spreadsheet:

    SecureData by Dex



  • Could you add Plugin Matcher (Rex_Matcher) by Rex.Rainbow I really need this one. I found all the ones I was missing but this one.


  • Hi, hope you are all doing great,

    Do Authentication, firebase, and firebaseAPIv3 still working on Construct 3?

    When I use them in C2 they seem to work ok , but in c3, as soon as I use one of the 3 plugins, the preview screen goes black with loading message.

    I imagined it could be a firebase/permission issue, but after reading all the tutorials available, that side seems to be ok ¿?

    If anyone can confirm they are still usable on C3, I´ll keep on trying... I have been desperately triying for the last 3 days lol

  • Hi, can you show the error?

    If the screen goes black, it might be because the addon was not updated to support modules, or to support worker mode.

    For Firebase plugins, there are new ones that were made and are still actively maintained by other members of the community, so I recommend you check them out

  • skymen thanks for your reply :)

    I might be doing something wrong myself, besides if there´s a problem with the addons or not...

    The Plugins I got them from wasthataddonported.surge.sh and github.com/erenertugrul/construct-plugins and they state they have been ported, maybe something else changed in the process... who knows.

    The error I get is this:

    C3 runtime] Failed to load all engine scripts in worker: ReferenceError: window is not defined

    at 1af27087-ad0f-4bfb-bef0-a6a1c13d1851:2

    InitRuntime 460c5997-fe33-494b-96c5-2d0e74cdc515:4

    DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for preview.construct.net/firebase.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

    As for other plugins, I could move to another, but In my understanding they are all paid plugins, right? I wish I could buy them, but I am not being able to process payments with my local card (lately currency issues in my country have been amazingly restrictive) Eventually I will buy them, lol

    I have also seen many JS tutorials on this matter, but I can´t seem to be up to the task, any recomendation? My goal is to load a bunch of variables under a username (score, time played, wrong answers, right answers, etc)

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