skymen thanks for your reply :)
I might be doing something wrong myself, besides if there´s a problem with the addons or not...
The Plugins I got them from and and they state they have been ported, maybe something else changed in the process... who knows.
The error I get is this:
C3 runtime] Failed to load all engine scripts in worker: ReferenceError: window is not defined
at 1af27087-ad0f-4bfb-bef0-a6a1c13d1851:2
InitRuntime 460c5997-fe33-494b-96c5-2d0e74cdc515:4
DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE
As for other plugins, I could move to another, but In my understanding they are all paid plugins, right? I wish I could buy them, but I am not being able to process payments with my local card (lately currency issues in my country have been amazingly restrictive) Eventually I will buy them, lol
I have also seen many JS tutorials on this matter, but I can´t seem to be up to the task, any recomendation? My goal is to load a bunch of variables under a username (score, time played, wrong answers, right answers, etc)