BL4CKWAT3R's Forum Posts

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  • Ashley

    Yeah I agree. I know it is not Constructs fault. I personally believe it's NWjs. I saw that you all are shifting focus towards Webview 2. I am hopeful that when you get it working/compatible with Steam that that will resolve a lot of issues that NWjs runs into.

    I truly think you should take advantage of our situation because I believe what we have achieved with BioGun is something that I have not personaly seen with any other game made with Construct. A massive game that is comparable to Hollow Knight in terms of content and quality that was fully made in Construct 3 without the use of 3rd party plugins except for the Spriter plug-in. All running on the native exporting features of Construct 3. Not ported unlike the many other successful Construct games such as (Mighty Goose, The Last Penelope, CyberShadow). As of now it is clear to us that the best way to go about making games with Construct is to keep them small (due to browser memory limits which we are dealing with sadly. Engine crashes very often (out of memory error) because of how large the project is, and that there is a need to port Construct 3 games to another coding language due to the limitations of javascript. Temp file creation is also an unexpected issue with games made with Construct. Players have reported over 10gigs of temp files get created over a 20 hour total play session. As a C3 dev, we have no way to mitigate this issue that I am aware of unless you know of a way? There is also the issue of the games running on NWjs so devices with dual graphics card often offload NWjs games to the onboard card which creates a perception that the game is horribly optimized which isn't the case and sadly there isn't an option around this issue besides having to respond to the negative reviews or posts about it.

    There are many other pressing issues I can go over but please don't take this post as an attack. I am here to inform you and the team of the many issues we've faced so that maybe in the future you and your team are able to find work arounds when they become available.

    It has been an incredible experience making a game in Construct 3 as I truly believe its one of the better engines out their for onboarding someone new to making games and I absolutely adore the process of how you make games in C3. Keep up the hard work!

  • Ashley

    Wanted to let you know so you may be able to at least be transparent or help spread the word to Construct 3 devs. After some testing I created a completely empty project/game, exported under NWjs (v0.89.0 | Chromium 126) and uploaded the game in a private branch to test out this empty game on Steam Deck. The results are that NWjs games us at minumim 3gigs of RAM. Again, this is an empty project so it will be very easy for you to replicate/test on your end if you so choose. I just wanted to pass along this information.

  • We did it. Thank you all for the assistance. Once I got all the Greenworks references removed and took it out of the project completely, those achievements started popping off.

    Again, thank you, you beautiful geniuses.

    If you didn't use Greenworks (since you mentioned removing all references) Did you end up using Green Grinds? If so, what version?

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  • The major problem I am running into is that you can't reset a global object. My player character is global and follows me into every layout including the main menu and I have multiple save files so loading into those will bring him along and cause all sorts of issues. I also can't destroy him because it crashes the game. I don't think global objects were thought through fully. Unless I am missing something I can't delete them, or reset their variables unless I do it all manually which is pretty nasty. They should have a 'reset global object' action like global variables do and I should be able to delete them without causing the game to crash.

  • Hey

    Thanks for the quick response! I was trying to download the RexRainbow MoveTo beahavior. If I can port that and a few others then I should be okay to switching from C2 to C3. Otherwise I'll have to stick with C2 (which is fine. I just like some of the features C3 offers)

  • I feel as dumb as a brick. I don't see the option to download the files when I find the plug-in I want. :/

  • Very nice! Do you graduate soon?

  • Definitely! No problem at all and thanks for the compliments. Best of luck with your game. Lets hope you make enough that you can make it your full time job!

  • Hi tallenwebdev,

    It seems like everyone is suggesting hiding old ver. of your game and uploading a new ver. As the creator of Bio-Gun I wanted to point out that I kept updating the same game ver. insteading uploading a whole new game and hiding the old. You wont believe how many times people will come back to your game to see how your game is doing and if it has been updated. My advise it to be as responsive as you can in your comment section and to make sure to upload a new ver. at least once or twice a week.

    As to your original question.

    Make sure when you post your games on any forum including scirra arcade you have a very solid first build. 90% bug free, polished, and attention to small details. People who play your game will feel respected and will come back to it more often.

    -Best of luck to you and your future endeavors tallenwebdev!

  • Hi Triforce,

    To answer your question. Since the player sprite has the Platformer behavior assigned to it the player falls when the layout loads in. I have the Scroll-To behavior also attached to the player sprite so it follows it till it hits the bottom. Once the player sprite hits an invisible sprite at the bottom I add the reticle/aimer as another sprite object the Scroll-To behavior follows so it lerps in-between the player and the reticle sprite giving you that smooth camera effect. Hope this helps!

  • 10 posts