How do I make an RTS?

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  • So, I've been working on a little RTS project for some time and the thing is, I can't really find any help on it. The template kind of helps me understand the pathfinding but that's as far as it goes.

    Most of the posts on the subject are outdated and the links to external sites don't even work. So I've found myself roaming around posts that can be around 6 years old hoping for some precise thing that could help me understand a little more.

    Any help is appreciated.


  • You will have to be more specific. A rts is complicated, especially when it comes to moving groups around.

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  • You will have to be more specific. A rts is complicated, especially when it comes to moving groups around.

    So, I want to make an rts based on games like Starcraft and Age of empires, mostly. I was planning on isometric view but decided against it so I'm going for a top-down perspective now. You would have an HQ where you can make workers, stockage area for wood, metal and berries and your basic military units building + upgrading. That is the basic idea.

  • Start with the more mundane stuff, Timers, Localstorage, date and time.

    Think about what a design document would look like, go from there.

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