help me with ads

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  • hi

    i want to add a button that show an admob ads in my game

    so when the player click on it , an ads will appear .

    and they'll take 1 point per click .

    how can i implement this kind of thing??

    P.S.: sorry for my bad english

  • help me quickly please

    how can i add ads ?

  • Are you developing for mobile devices?

  • yes , i'm developing for android .

  • It's not working right now.

  • Try this example:

  • Tried it , not working

  • On C3 plugins for mobile devices(IAP,Admob,Google play services etc. etc..) is currently not working.

  • [quote:2a8x43d9]On C3 plugins for mobile devices(IAP,Admob,Google play services etc. etc..) is currently not working.

    I was going to ask the same question!!! When I read this!!!

  • when will they fix it ??

    anyone know ? please quickly .

  • :oops: when will they fix it ??

    anyone know ? please quickly .

    There is no product roadmap. Dont forget C3 is still in beta.

  • ok i have same issues.. i gues we need to wait proper release i bouth c3 of hope everyting in my project will work im dissaponted of what i did for real.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil"> i could move back to c2 but i was using intelxdk but as we know all.. now its legacy.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> and we cant build apps with ads... question is do we have solution for c2 if i would like to use ads on my app, what the hell i need to do if i want to export project to android studio with cordova + ads/admob? its releay disapointing and i starting to think i did wrong decision then i found c2 later c3, i would be better spend all my waisted time and $$ on unity3d + playmaker... yesterday i was playing with it and i did same as in

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    it was so easy to do that maybe because its tutorial <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek"> im just mad on my self how stupid i was then i chose c2 maybe because they promissed to much..

    sorry for broken english.. fell my pain...

  • [quote:27ubeaqj]ok i have same issues.. i gues we need to wait proper release i bouth c3 of hope everyting in my project will work im dissaponted of what i did for real.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_twisted.gif" alt=":twisted:" title="Twisted Evil"> i could move back to c2 but i was using intelxdk but as we know all.. now its legacy.. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> and we cant build apps with ads... question is do we have solution for c2 if i would like to use ads on my app, what the hell i need to do if i want to export project to android studio with cordova + ads/admob? its releay disapointing and i starting to think i did wrong decision then i found c2 later c3, i would be better spend all my waisted time and $$ on unity3d + playmaker... yesterday i was playing with it and i did same as in

    Subscribe to Construct videos now
    it was so easy to do that maybe because its tutorial <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_geek.gif" alt=":geek:" title="Geek"> im just mad on my self how stupid i was then i chose c2 maybe because they promissed to much..

    sorry for broken english.. fell my pain...

    What really annoy me is ever since this the beta started. We didn't get any response or announcement regarding this. I started to think that I subscribe C3 for nothing. I used C3 for my android project and didn't finish it and what really disappoint me is your subscription is already "ticking" even though your not using a full functional behavior.

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  • its to earlly to say but i did amazing progress with unity!! what i trying to make just convert my game... c2 c3 i definitely will not back! f*** that money i spend <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_evil.gif" alt=":evil:" title="Evil or Very Mad"> from the start i had hope scirra will make native ads/build_service is what developers always needed!! not a shity fixes with low prioritie who cares ex: debug improvement, search improvements, etc... if we cant make app properly and earn money, you will say 3-party can build construct projects? its b***** totally i tried them all best was intelxdk but now we cant use them.. why its so hard to hire java developer and implement ok maybe not as a part of construct but as a separated application "construct mobile builder" i working in dev company please contact with me we can give you java dev with good rate... dont know what theyr project manager was doing all the time, but totally it was fa* all years. i saying you guys for real go learn unity!! dont waist your dev team! definitely i will create post with my experience, but first i need to convert my game to unity and start earn at least 1$... you will ask shy im so mad? its easy to answer i trusted scirra construct all the time, people will turn back on you if you scirra will not change your priorities, i forgot to mention hwy im so mad also its becouse they saying us 0 info about what they doing... learn from best and make page like ue4 have do construct better talk with us and you will be on top of the mountain but now you just rolling down... i want to have: as a starting point you understand me

    as always sorry for broken english.. fell my pain...

    Laura_D Kyatric Ashley Tom

  • Yup! I feel your pain my brother app developer.

    Same here. Subscribe Construct 3, started small project but unable to publish to Google Play Store with signature, admob and earning a little bit of dollar. (or did I miss any tutorial?)

    Really hope Scirra could sort this out.

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