hackinc2000's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • It would be much easier to help you if you posted a screenshot of events (instead of text, which is very difficult to read).

    I'll take that in mind for the next time. Thanks. Old coder, old habits. LOL! :)

  • Well found the problem!

    Set a global Variable to check for mouse click did the job!

    For future reference here's the code:

    | Global boolean MouseClicked‎ = false

    + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on keyBlade

    -> System: Set MouseClicked to True

    ----+ keyBlade: Is dragged

    ----+ System: Is MouseClicked

    -----> System: Set MouseClicked to False

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "slide-back" property Position to Self.initialX, Self.InitialY in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to False

    -----> Run JavaScript: console.log("is Not Dragged so play slide")

    ----+ keyBlade: [X] Is dragged

    ----+ System: Is MouseClicked

    -----> System: Set MouseClicked to False

    -----> keyBlade: Set initialX to Self.ImagePointX("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Set InitialY to Self.ImagePointY("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "pos" property Position to Self.ImagePointX("end"), Self.ImagePointY("end") in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to True

  • Hi guys, I can't figure this out, any help would be grateful.

    The situation:

    I have a sprite with 3 instance variables:

    -a is a Boolean and false as default

    -b and -c are numeric

    When an action is performed, in this case A Mouse click on the sprite with two conditions, when -a=false, a tween its going to be played, when -a=true, I'm playing another tween based on -b and -c. The problem I'm having its that when I click on the sprite, I set -a, -b and -c, but -a never sets the value. So I cannot run the second tween when I click back the sprite.

    Thanks for any help.

    My code goes like this:

    + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on keyBlade

    ----+ keyBlade: [X] Is dragged

    -----> keyBlade: Set initialX to Self.ImagePointX("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Set InitialY to Self.ImagePointY("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "pos" property Position to Self.ImagePointX("end"), Self.ImagePointY("end") in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to True

    ----+ keyBlade: Is dragged

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "slide-back" property Position to Self.initialX, Self.InitialY in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to False

    If I invert the comparative Its being set only the first time but never gets the other condition.

    + Mouse: On Left button Clicked on keyBlade

    ----+ keyBlade: Is dragged

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "slide-back" property Position to Self.initialX, Self.InitialY in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to False

    ----+ keyBlade: [X] Is dragged

    -----> keyBlade: Set initialX to Self.ImagePointX("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Set InitialY to Self.ImagePointY("start")

    -----> keyBlade: Tween "pos" property Position to Self.ImagePointX("end"), Self.ImagePointY("end") in 0.5 seconds (Linear, destroy: No)

    -----> keyBlade: Set dragged to True

  • Hello hackinc2000

    I see you've finished the plug-in for C3, do you plan to make a plug-in for C2?

    [quote:yabrmwmd]I see you've finished the plug-in for C3, do you plan to make a plug-in for C2?


    Weird my previews post, did not appear, hum probably I wasn't log in when posting!

    Anyways, Yes the addon for construct 3 its has been publish on the addon repository seen Sunday night. And Yes , I have planned for the C2 version, a bunch of projects on my own that will be not converted to C3 depends on it! . As soon as I finish a client project in the next weeks, maybe sooner, I'll be working on that.

    So yes stay tuned!

  • Hello hackinc2000

    Your plugin will be work with ios WKWebview?

    The last version 2.2.0 of the UnityAds SDK already implements WKWebview. So based on that, yes may work. I said may cause I haven't test on version any 8.0 device or simulator. But thanks for bring that, I'm already fixing some bugs on the ios part of the plugin before the release, so its a good time to test that.

  • Just to keep inform anyone interested on this, that after a month, My UnityAds addon for Construct 3 its almost ready!

    • Cordova plugin - Ready, but still not publish. and still not dropped the bug report to Napeo. So at the moment of the release, problably your app build has to be made manually.
    • Construct 3 add on: Android part: Ready, iOS part: Ready
    • I'm working on documentation, addon area, created.
    • Hopefully I can have everything ready to release for the next week!
  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi to all that

    I'm currently working on the plugin for that, implementing UnityAds 2.1.2 (latest version). 3 weeks already on the project, working a couple of hours only, and it goes wonderful! First time for a cordova plugin and construct 2 or 3 plug in. So lets see how it goes! . As soon as I have something solid I will be opening an official post for this on the forums. So stay tuned. And finally thanks to sfane, that open this post. If any one whats to give ideas, they are welcome!

    Release Date:

    • Not a clue, I'm doing this on my spare time, so it could take some time

    cordova plugin:

    • Already shows video ads
    • This week: Implementing ads stages like, video loaded, showing, video finish, etc

    construct 3 plugin:

    • Not Started Yet
  • [quote:2a8x43d9]On C3 plugins for mobile devices(IAP,Admob,Google play services etc. etc..) is currently not working.

    I was going to ask the same question!!! When I read this!!!

  • Im having the same problem! Did anyone has resolve this in the pass!

  • I'm facing the same problem. If some one can get us on the right direction would be wonderful!!!

  • Hi I just want to share my latest two finished game and app made with C2:

    Artemis Useless Machine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artemisoftnian.uselessmachine

    Infinite Loop: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.artemisoftnian.infinteloop

    I can say, It has been very interesting working with C2. I love it!!!

    Enjoy the game and app!!!

  • Great clarification indeed!!!

  • When I face the box2d vertex limit problem, resolved in some way in r198, and looking to the problem I found some solutions at least for other engines. One of the solution was to implement polygon decomposition, It could be a good idea implement this on the editor. It works creating a Body with several Fixtures. Those fixtures will have max 8 vertices and will share some of the vertices, so ill will simulate a bigger piece using smaller parts, which are stuck together.

    In the editor maybe It can be implemented in a way to auto decompose the main polygon into pieces. Or maybe after adding more than 8 vertices it will auto decompose to the next polygon.

    This way we don't decrease performance or project size importing multiple images.

    The Actual Output of the Construct2 polygon system as I saw in the project file is:


    <point x="0.163934" y="0.191257" />

    <point x="0.315574" y="0.0846994" />

    <point x="0.5" y="0.0437158" />

    <point x="0.673497" y="0.0812841" />

    <point x="0.822404" y="0.17623" />

    <point x="0.916667" y="0.326503" />

    <point x="0.956284" y="0.504098" />

    <point x="0.910519" y="0.681011" />

    <point x="0.818306" y="0.822404" />

    <point x="0.678962" y="0.919399" />

    <point x="0.528689" y="0.948941" />

    <point x="0.529201" y="0.58312" />

    <point x="0.469603" y="0.584785" />


    so maybe we could ending having something like:


    <vertices set="0">

    <point x="0.163934" y="0.191257" />

    <point x="0.315574" y="0.0846994" />

    <point x="0.5" y="0.0437158" />

    <point x="0.673497" y="0.0812841" />

    <point x="0.822404" y="0.17623" />

    <point x="0.916667" y="0.326503" />

    <point x="0.956284" y="0.504098" />

    <point x="0.910519" y="0.681011" />


    <vertices set="1">

    <point x="0.818306" y="0.822404" />

    <point x="0.678962" y="0.919399" />

    <point x="0.528689" y="0.948941" />

    <point x="0.529201" y="0.58312" />

    <point x="0.469603" y="0.584785" />



    note: this post was posted by error on the closed bugs section, I delete it from there and re post it here!

  • Hi, My name is Waldemar. I'm from the Caribbean Island of Puerto Rico, yep! Ricky Martin!!!!!. I'm 34 becoming 35 in one month. And I am an Game Addict Too. I'm a Web Designer/Developer during the day. And Convert myself into Hackinc200 during the night to combat Crime!!! Ups, just to develop some Mobile Apps. jajaja!!! My Favorite Game saga its Gears Of War and the only MMORPG i have play its Guild Wars. In the case You haven't notice yet my first language its Spanish. I enter here a year ago for the first time, then I never came back. Until now That I found a Construct almost a mature product. I just need to get a license. And Start playing around whit it.

  • 14 posts