squarePixel's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Thank you for the reply. I"ll definately look into it again.

    The new mobile advert plugin should be working fine, it's been freshly written and tested and is all our own code. If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines.

  • Ashley

    What about admob and google play services?

    Yeaah... AdMob still the same old story. Hope the team will be able to resolve it sooner. Or, clear tutorial explaining it.

  • I am still waiting......

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Nope. Change so many thing, upgrade..... still nothing.

    Hoping by the end of beta, somebody will show how to make it work.


    > >

    > >

    > > Export your game in android studio build then sign your apk there and export. the biggest problem is the plugins for ads and google play services is currently not working though we don't know if this will work until someone really tel us whats is wrong with this.

    > >


    > Will try that. Thanks a million.


    Did this end up working? I too am having several problems trying to get admob to work.

    If you did get it to work via android studio, I know it would be a lot to ask but what was the solution or if you can direct me to a link


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  • Am I doing it right or did I miss something important that prevent it from working

    1) Add the Admob Advert object type -insert ID, for banner and insterstitial

    2) on start of layout - Admob, preload banner ad, preload interstitial ad

    3) on banner ad received - Admob, show banner ad at position

    4) on touched button - Admob, show interstitial

    Any guide or help is much appreciated,

  • Same here. I can't get it work either.

  • We already have a new IAP plugin for C3. It's just missing a manual entry and tutorial, which we hope to get written soon.


  • Export your game in android studio build then sign your apk there and export. the biggest problem is the plugins for ads and google play services is currently not working though we don't know if this will work until someone really tel us whats is wrong with this.

    Will try that. Thanks a million.

  • Same here.

    Even, unable to load the apk to Google Play. It ask for app signature. Why cant Construct 3 generate that too along with the apk?

  • Yup! I feel your pain my brother app developer.

    Same here. Subscribe Construct 3, started small project but unable to publish to Google Play Store with signature, admob and earning a little bit of dollar. (or did I miss any tutorial?)

    Really hope Scirra could sort this out.

  • Found this thread.


    Construct 3 still cannot generate app owner signature. We have to sign manually.

  • Hello everyone,

    NOOB here. I've created simple app using Construct 3 and generated APK file for Android. When I tried upload it to Google Play, it asked for JAR signatures. What did I miss?

    Any help or tutorial link is much appreciated.

  • 12 posts