C3 What's missing?

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • Hi,

    I took a year-long break from construct and slowly getting back into it. I got as far as looking at IAP before Intel pulled XDK which took the wind out of my sails. Now C3(beta) is around it feels like it's going to be a while before it's worth paying for? Looking at the features list there are lots of enticing headings but no written content..? Does that mean it's not finished, or finished but not documented?? i.e https://www.construct.net/gb/make-games/features/build-services Correct me if I'm wrong, is there a list of whats planned to come out in future releases? Even a list of whats not yet released??


  • Doesn't the Manual constitute documentation.

  • I took a year-long break from construct and slowly getting back into it. I got as far as looking at IAP before Intel pulled XDK which took the wind out of my sails. Now C3(beta) is around it feels like it's going to be a while before it's worth paying for?

    I just came back from a three year long break from game development, and I just bought a C3 subscription. I feel like Construct 3 is more than worth paying for. Iv been following a couple C2 tutorials while using C3 as a refresher course, and everything has worked flawlessly in C3 for me so far. Even though C3 is still in beta it has everything, and more than what I need to start developing my first C3 game. I am very pleased with my purchase, and you can't beat the substantial discount that's being offered to C2 license owners right now.

  • OK thanks. Takes a bit of digging around but publishing to Android is there but no IAP yet. I'll wait till that's implemented, I can continue testing in C2 for now... I've got to do a load of graphics and Audio work before needing C3 for now.

  • We already have a new IAP plugin for C3. It's just missing a manual entry and tutorial, which we hope to get written soon.

  • We already have a new IAP plugin for C3. It's just missing a manual entry and tutorial, which we hope to get written soon.


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  • Ashley

    What about admob and google play services?

  • Ashley

    That's great to hear, thank you. To date, I see the start of the manual entry too. Are you able to say how far off Admob support is due? This side of Xmas or 2018 is good enough for my needs currently.

  • Well, time is NOW!! for ads, Holiday season starts soon, and if it's not ready to go in October huge wasted opportunity. Ad revenue can be 3-5 times better from mid/end of October to Xmas.

  • Ashley I need the admob plugins it's not currently working right now i've been waiting for almost 5 months and still not working.

  • Ashley I need the admob plugins it's not currently working right now i've been waiting for almost 5 months and still not working.


  • Ashley

    What about admob and google play services?

    Yeaah... AdMob still the same old story. Hope the team will be able to resolve it sooner. Or, clear tutorial explaining it.

  • The new mobile advert plugin should be working fine, it's been freshly written and tested and is all our own code. If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines.

  • Thank you for the reply. I"ll definately look into it again.

    The new mobile advert plugin should be working fine, it's been freshly written and tested and is all our own code. If you run in to a problem please file an issue following all the guidelines.

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