How do I use the bullet movement for the player?

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From the Asset Store
This pack contains 10 types of bullet effects, with different shapes and colors.
  • Or, if that's not possible, how do I create a player-character that is moved with arrow keys, that doesn't only move on 8 directions statically, but rather slides around as if it were on ice? Feel free to ask me questions if you need clarification on anything.

  • You could use bullet for the player.

    For example,

    on left key down { set angle of motion to 180}

    on right key down { set angle of motion to 0 } and so on..

    keep in mind you would have to have events for the on release as well that would stop the bullet movement

  • You could use bullet for the player.

    For example,

    > on left key down { set angle of motion to 180}

    > on right key down { set angle of motion to 0 } and so on..

    keep in mind you would have to have events for the on release as well that would stop the bullet movement

    Firstly, nice pfp, secondly, that's what I tried first, but it was clunky and didn't move very smoothly. Also, it doesn't really work slippery-ly. I have tried working with momentum stuff but none of that really seemed to work.

  • Have you tried 8 direction with a very low deceleration?

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  • Have you tried 8 direction with a very low deceleration?

    I will, I think that's literally the only way to do this, which is a bummer, but whatever. Thank you though for helping!

  • It's literally not the only way, bullet will work fine. You'll just have to keep track of and handle acceleration, deceleration, and adding vectors yourself, which is what the 8 direction behavior already does for you.

    Iirc there was a built in asteroids example, moving in space is similar to moving on ice.

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