Proper refactoring and code editing has been something
Tom and
Ashley have slowly improved in C2. It is one of my pet peeves with C2, I hope it does get updated with better code editing (not just C3, but C2 for us not moving to C3)
For example, if I have a block of code that uses a local variable, if I move it all together, my local variable drops and some code does too.
If I move a chunk of code and get a warning that some code is dropped, sometimes it is not actually...I have to undo/redo several times to see if anything changed.
It would be great to be able to move code around, cleanup code, move code to different groups/subgroups and event sheets without issues.
Basically, with how the editor is, you are stuck with it... Once you code in a sheet, it is there forever without a huge risk of breaking things or lots of effort to move it.
Plus the issue with function names, objects, etc. sometimes the auto complete stops typing if there is a _ in the name. Backspace and the auto complete stops working. Being able to change function names (refactor) should be a primary function in any serious IDE.
Being able to move objects around, put them into folders, sub folders, rename them in bulk...this takes so long. Why is it, I have to move objects in the project one-at-a-time, and then the whole folder structure repaints. If you have a large structure, it takes forever to move things around. It is really aggregating.
The above are all updates I would pay to have in C2. But not worth going to C3 for (if C3 even fixes the above)...