Construct 3 any news?

From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    It's the first of February somewhere in the world... so... any news about Construct 3? :look:

    Zebbi: I'm sorry, but I still don't understand what "populate C code" is supposed to mean ?

    Export from the project format to a project in C, OK, I understand that, and true, Construct 2 can't do it. And it is nice if it is doing all the C dependencies for you as well, it's quite a feat.

    But " Impressively the new development environment also supports the ability to populate C code as you work" ? Isn't it some kind of marketing BS ?

    Populate C code where ? To what purpose ? CF3 is a C development tool ?

    I'm sorry, I just don't understand what that means.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing, it is just that with my knowledge of C (not too much, and now dating from quite a while) I just don't understand that part.

    As to XML / JSON, doesn't make a difference.

    You can take your project and host its sources on GitHub, so Construct 2 allows you to do it like CF3.

    "Run Your Games On A Mobile Device At The Click of a Button" => Preview over LAN. Can do it with C2

    "Written From Scratch" so was Construct 2. Another check.

    OK, at this time in the points you quoted, only "Multiplatform Support" and "Modular Design" in the way they are described are not possible in Construct 2 (although you can export multi-platform from C2 and can expand it with add ons).

    Not stirring the pot either, just pointing out the various points you quoted yourself as "C2 don't have it" but actually C2 does already for most of them.

    But you said it yourself, it is from a dating article possibly containing marketing jumbo about a demo. So who really knows.

    What makes you think it's BS?

    Fair play with the preview over LAN/64bit support.

    I was mainly referring to the part that shows you what your events will all look like in C (or C++ if I recall someone saying).

    Well, I still don't know what that is supposed to mean.

    I know what "populating an array with data" means. That makes "coding sense" to me.

    I still don't know what "populate C code as you work". It pops C code in your notepad when you are creating events ? If so, I find it a strange formulation.

    Speaking of multiplatform, I just got an email from Amazon describing a new income method that was "platform agnostic".

    "Subscribe with Amazon".

    Please don't do crap like that.

    Speaking of multiplatform, I just got an email from Amazon describing a new income method that was "platform agnostic".

    "Subscribe with Amazon".

    Please don't do crap like that.

    That's amazon for ya.

    compatible with github?

    Our current project lives on Github, in .caproj form.

    Speaking of multiplatform, I just got an email from Amazon describing a new income method that was "platform agnostic".

    "Subscribe with Amazon".

    Please don't do crap like that.

    ol. Crazy Amazon.

    > compatible with github?

    > Our current project lives on Github, in .caproj form.

    Yeah, I know, I admitted my misjudgement.

    Well, I still don't know what that is supposed to mean.

    I know what "populating an array with data" means. That makes "coding sense" to me.

    I still don't know what "populate C code as you work". It pops C code in your notepad when you are creating events ? If so, I find it a strange formulation.

    It means that it converts to C code as you complete lines of code or on-demand, so that when you preview, you're previewing the end result of the conversion to C, not the scripting language. As near as I can tell, it's a complicated way to say they're compiling to native rather than using an interpreter when previewing or exporting. It's a marketing line, much like those used by any other for-profit software when discussing its feature set, including C2, although here it does seem to be converting to C for, theoretically, native device performance.

    MY GOSH LOOOOOL buildobox is so crazy expensive XD even my 3dsmax or photoshop are less expensive than that i definitely stay with cnstruct 2 & 3

    Their pricing is similar to Unity's pricing for a license that doesn't require Unity branding or a revenue cap.

    > MY GOSH LOOOOOL buildobox is so crazy expensive XD even my 3dsmax or photoshop are less expensive than that i definitely stay with cnstruct 2 & 3


    Their pricing is similar to Unity's pricing for a license that doesn't require Unity branding or a revenue cap.

    Which is a crazy high price for a 2d game creator that doesn't do half of what Unity provides.

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    > MY GOSH LOOOOOL buildobox is so crazy expensive XD even my 3dsmax or photoshop are less expensive than that i definitely stay with cnstruct 2 & 3


    Their pricing is similar to Unity's pricing for a license that doesn't require Unity branding or a revenue cap.

    Yeah, it's not a crazy price if you have a proper company with a decent revenue stream/startup capital, but it is crazy for the average hobbyist. I'm a little shocked they don't have a limited free version, apart from the 30 day trial. Once I saw the price I didn't bother to download it, because even if I love it there's no way I'm paying that.

    Besides, I've been very happy with C2.


    > > MY GOSH LOOOOOL buildobox is so crazy expensive XD even my 3dsmax or photoshop are less expensive than that i definitely stay with cnstruct 2 & 3

    > >


    > Their pricing is similar to Unity's pricing for a license that doesn't require Unity branding or a revenue cap.


    Which is a crazy high price for a 2d game creator that doesn't do half of what Unity provides.

    Only if you have no interest in making money with it, in which case it's fine. Unity is also not a dedicated 2D game development tool. It also doesn't depend upon 3rd-party export options.


    > > MY GOSH LOOOOOL buildobox is so crazy expensive XD even my 3dsmax or photoshop are less expensive than that i definitely stay with cnstruct 2 & 3

    > >


    > Their pricing is similar to Unity's pricing for a license that doesn't require Unity branding or a revenue cap.


    Which is a crazy high price for a 2d game creator that doesn't do half of what Unity provides.

    Yes that's true but let's not ignore that Buildbox is like the perfect form of C2. If C2 was native, had all the features of C3 and had a cool UI. It would be Buildbox.

    BTW. It won't be long till announcement time.

    Yeah, I'm wondering about the exact time.. I'm thrilled!

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