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    I really love C2, the amount of things u can do with it is amazing, there is no limits on what can be achieved, I'm sure C3 wont disappoint, we just need to be patient

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    I really love C2, the amount of things u can do with it is amazing, there is no limits on what can be achieved, I'm sure C3 wont disappoint, we just need to be patient

    Yes, we are all looking forward to C3

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    We demand a roadmap!

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    We demand a roadmap!

    I too would love to see one, but they would be stupid to publish one

    Best way to piss people off, when you can't stick to it and have to delay milestones.

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    I think that Ash is working on something super innovative, that's why he's keeping things under wrap

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    For those who don't know, ClickTeam is working on ClickTeam Fusion 3.0 (said to be released late this year) and there are some who believe that it will introduce a reworked eventsystem that will look A LOT like what Construct 2 has right now. Many posts in ClickTeam forums compare the two eventsystems and the result is almost exclusively in favor of Construct 2.

    Another thing that I've read in their forum is that one of Scirra's founders was once a user of ClickTeam's products but got fed up with the bad eventsystem and set out to create something better. This might just be a rumor though.

    In any case I think Scirra is very aware of what ClickTeam is doing (and vice versa of course) and thus keeps public information about Construct 3 to a minimum and rightfully so!

    If and when Scirra thinks it to be appropriate to release any info about C3 I will enthusiasticly read it

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    Another thing that I've read in their forum is that one of Scirra's founders was once a user of ClickTeam's products but got fed up with the bad eventsystem and set out to create something better. This might just be a rumor though.

    It's true. Ashley used to be "Tigerworks" in the clickteam-universe.

    It's the classic tale. Become so fed up with something that you set out on a crusade to do it right (has worked out good so far, imho).

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    Fusion 3 is at least 2 years off, probably more. 2.5 hasn't been out that long and its still being actively developed with some features still being beta tested, their products in the past have had a notoriously long shelf life, i think 2.0 was about 8 years.

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    For those who don't know, ClickTeam is working on ClickTeam Fusion 3.0 (said to be released late this year) and there are some who believe that it will introduce a reworked eventsystem that will look A LOT like what Construct 2 has right now. Many posts in ClickTeam forums compare the two eventsystems and the result is almost exclusively in favor of Construct 2.


    I always wondered why CT Fusion looks a bit like C2, I mean if you compare those two great engines you can see that the focus of CT Fusion is more on the end product (the game) and less on the way of creating it. On the other hand, C2's focus is clearly on creating games as fast and easy as possible but in cost of a bad end product which requires 3rd party technology (Even if it is native-like it will never be on the same level as native games in general, well in a few years maybe?)

    I think if CT Fusion 3.0 would be exactly like C2 currently from a design perspective it would be awesome of course, but the current version shows that the pricing of those native exporters and the engine itself is quite high and too expensive for the most indie or hobby developers. The pricing is one of the main advantages C2 has > Pay once, export to every supported platform. This however is not the case with CT Fusion at the time, there you have to pay for each exporting platform which costs a lot of money of course.

    Well at the end I can just hope that CT Fusion 3.0 will not be a "C2 lookalike" engine with free exporters and a low price because that would literally mean the end of Construct 3.

    (Unless C3 has NEW cutting edge features and is not just a ~80% copy-paste engine with Mac & Linux support. Sorry if I went a little off-topic here. )

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    Personally, I'd like to see some badly designed event programming engines to follow the great example Construct 2 provides. I don't mean that they should clone it, but it's a good thing if they rethink their methods (this is especially true for CF, because their event system is ancient).

    In any case I think Scirra is very aware of what ClickTeam is doing (and vice versa of course) and thus keeps public information about Construct 3 to a minimum and rightfully so!

    If and when Scirra thinks it to be appropriate to release any info about C3 I will enthusiasticly read it


    Well at the end I can just hope that CT Fusion 3.0 will not be a "C2 lookalike" engine with free exporters and a low price because that would literally mean the end of Construct 3.)

    I don't think Scirra should worry about that. CF pricing is not expected to be dropped imo.

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    I have only recently purchased C2 and I am amazed at its capabilities and the fact that it has so many 3rd party plugins to cover every scenario of game development. To be able to develop a low cost game and place it on nearly all the mobile platforms available at an affordable price is a testament in its self, to the great work accomplished by the Scirra Team.

    Not only that, but the guys that work hard to create the 3rd party plugins and provide support at a whim, the forum users that supply help and advice without a thought of cost, the forum administrators providing daily assistance. The provision of free software by Intel and others so that it can be ported to the many different platforms.

    Like Harold Macmillan once said 'most of our people have never had it so good'. I think the case applies here.

    In this world where everybody wants something for nothing and to become rich for doing very little or nothing at all. I think the Scirra Team have made your lives and mine very, very, easy. You have the tools in C2 to make an excellent game, so lets see them, lets make them. In the world I work in all plugins have to be paid for, and I dont have one gripe about paying for them. If I need it! I pay for it!

    C3 when it is available can only make game development even easier. I think that is worth every penny that Scirra ask's for, and all the services that they provide.

    BTW I do not work for Scirra, I am not an affiliate, I work for myself, on bespoke php intranet projects that take months and sometimes years to complete. I just like developing games as a hobby, but I am well aware of people and customers that want my products, but don't want to pay for them.

    Sorry for rambling on and on, but... have you read some of the previous posts?

    PS. You take your time Ashley! It takes time to get things right, and it takes even more time, to perfect perfection.

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    BTW I do not work for Scirra, I am not an affiliate, I work for myself, on bespoke php intranet projects that take months and sometimes years to complete. I just like developing games as a hobby, but I am well aware of people and customers that want my products, but don't want to pay for them.

    Don't worry, many of us feel the same way (myself included). Scirra created something very good and very important and keep doing so. They have an important role with their software in the development of the visual programming methods (which are, in my opinion, the future of software development).

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    I own Gamemaker Studio, Fusion 2.5 and Construct 2.

    Construct is the cheapest and the best for my use. Comes with easy download and no fuss licensing etc.

    Everytime I get to use the others I feel frustrated by something or the other, when I use Construct 2 I feel like a weight has been lifted. This goes from using the sites, tutorials upgrading licences etc.

    Construct 2 makes game development fun.

    There are issues or things I wish where different but with Ashley Tom and some members here doing amazing plugins etc, it's really non issues.

    And this is where Scirra has a HUGE lead. The community and documentation as well as how professional things look (websites, forums, documentation, tutorials) esp in comparison with Clickteams stuff.

    Funnily enough I really like the way Fusion 2.5 event system works...everything is exposed all the time. It's a great way too learn. I am in the minority but I can tell exactly whats what, however, because of the way it is it's also very limiting in some ways, although many, many good games have been made with it. FNAF 1-4 to name just one series.

    I do feel competition will heat up with Fusion 3 and Construct 3.

    Yves one of the Devs said that Fusion 3 will definitely release in 2016, so this year we get to see Fusion 3 and Construct 3 I bet.

    My money is on Scirra though.

    Gamemaker lost the plot somehow imho. it just got so fragmented in community and tool that unless you just code it gets frustrating fast. To me anyway. Not to mention both those two tools are very expensive.

    Imho Construct 3 is where it's going to be at...although I really like Fusion for it's export options native...I understand what Scirra is trying to do, why, and the bet on HTML5.

    I think it will pay off.

    Ashley and team feels they know better than the community at what we need, rather than what we want. For the most part they might be right

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    Nice one guys,

    At least the team can feel they have some great game developers behind them. Total Respect!


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    When was the C3 site last updated? A year ago? I sincerely hope I'm proven wrong, but I'm feeling like C3 is vaporware Or at best, if it's real, it will be many years in development.

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