Build for android is not working

From the Asset Store
2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.

    I just tried again, and it's still working fine for me. It's been several weeks now and it's been working fine for everyone else. I'm afraid I simply cannot explain what is happening but it sounds like an issue your end. The Internet is extremely complicated and there are lots of non-obvious ways it can fail that will only affect certain users, ISPs or regions. If that is indeed the case, which I think it is, there's no use constantly complaining to us, as it's impossible for us to do anything about it. Did you try contacting your ISP? Have they responded?


    As I've told you many times (and you haven't read it yet), I've tested it with 3 different ISPs.

    If the problem is regional, this should be informed at the time of purchase:

    "Construct 3 does not work in your country."

    I did a lot of testing today and it worked a few times when I tested it on Chrome on mobile, but it didn't work on Chrome on Windows.

    It doesn't work on Firefox, Edge and Opera, nor on Windows, nor on Android. I tested it on incognito tabs.

    I tried using VPN, simulating a connection from Europe and USA, but that didn't work.

    I tried to export using 3 different devices.

    Why am I able to upload my project completely to the server if my connection is supposedly broken?

    Why does the error only happen during the build on the server?

    Is the server up to date to build projects compatible with any browser and its updates?

    Is there a possibility that the server loses connection with my project due to some incompatibility?

    Does the server have any line of programming that makes it disconnect if it finds any inconsistencies?

    Is there a possibility for Construct 3 to create projects in a different structure than expected by local settings, which causes the server to crash?

    Could the server's ISP or server be rejecting connections from my region?

    Could the server's ISP or server be rejecting Latin language projects that have special characters?

    Could the server's ISP or server be rejecting projects running in a Latin language browser with special characters?

    Could the server's ISP or server be rejecting projects submitted by browsers with custom updates for a specific region created by their developers?

    Have you checked with the server's ISP for these issues? What did they say?

    Was this all tested before blaming me for the problem?

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    If the problem is with our server, then why is it working for everyone else?

    I'm afraid if neither we nor anyone else is able to reproduce the problem, then the onus is on you to test combinations and try to identify what factors are involved, as nobody else is able to test those things.

    Not all problems in the world are our fault and it's not reasonable to insist that we fix everything, especially when it's not clear it's related to our services which as far as I'm aware are working for everyone else. Unfortunately this type of thing has happened before, where people repeatedly insist we fix things when it's infeasible for us to do so. For this reason our Forum & Community guidelines include:

    Demanding impractical measures or infeasible solutions. If we say we can’t do something, it’s not because we don’t want to, or we’re being difficult, we genuinely can’t do everything!

    I'm sorry that you're experiencing problems but all I can say is I hope you understand it's pretty much impossible for us to help in this kind of situation, and repeatedly insist we do so anyway does not overcome that. So I'm afraid I must emphasise the rules in the Forum & Community guidelines and that everyone is required to follow them at all times no matter how difficult or frustrating the problems may be, and for that reason I'm closing this thread. I'd also point out that I've already highlighted what should be a viable workaround: using the Cordova CLI allows you to complete builds locally without needing the use of the build service.

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