The Wild West (wip)

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Complete Wild West inspired music, stings and sound FX for your indie games and projects.
  • <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><font size="2">NOTE: 26-01-2013

    Yes, we (I and 'The Wild West') are still alive.

    <font size="1">* The image is at 1:1 scale, click it to see at x2</font>

    UPDATE: 08-12-2012

    Hey ya! Hi!

    Some (slow, as always) progresses with The Wild West, my main project.

    Today, I?m showing you three teaser gifs + some changes I made that it?s problably not show in a right way through images:

    • Gamepad support. Now the game is fully playable (menu and game) without the keyboard only using the pad (tested with a Xbox360 like controller). I have some future interesting ideas around this feature.
    • They are not very noticeable in the screens (gif compression), but here are some new ambiente particles and effects.
    • The sun has some technichal change too to make it more "real" or at least, for western effective.

    A new enemy/indian type. He shots arrows directly to you (not finished yet):

    <img src="" border="0">

    A pre-alpha ver. of an another enemy type: wolves (I gotta redesign and reanimate them from the ground, I know, but I wanted to make their AI and test them early):

    <img src="" border="0">

    New slomotion mode activated/deactivated in critic moments like just before a boss:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Still lots of things to tweak, create, implement, finish...

    Thanks for all your attention, words and support.


    <font color="red">**</font>********


    UPDATE: 24-11-2012

    Too much time without any updates or new notices about the game I think, so here are some new screenshoots (or teasers).

    These last days/weeks, I?ve also started another parallel game project (that I can?t announce till now) not to get saturated with The Wild West and continue workin? on it with illusion (and new experiences and knowledge).

    Well, let?s go to the interesting part (hope that):

    Some (maybe unlockeable???) filters to add variety :):

    Scanlines (sh*t, I think they aren?t visible at this sh*tty gif xD, but I promise they are there, jaja):

    <img src="" border="0">


    <img src="" border="0">

    Old tv (sorry for the weight of this):

    <img src="" border="0">

    Pure wild west (my favourite one, I think):

    <img src="" border="0">

    Two extras:

    Let?s take a look at the new pain effect: what do you think? has I improved it from the last ones :)?

    <img src="" border="0">

    And a more interesting and longtimed teaser, with some unshown enemies and behaviours:

    <img src="" border="0">

    And that?s all for now guys! Hope you like it.

    I will continue updating the topic as I progress. For no, I will work on this all the incoming week, and gotta say we?ve started to design music too (yes, I say we because the music is not goint to be mine).

    Thanks for all folks!


    <font color="red">**</font>********

    Yes, it?s still at 20%, I?m not too good controlling it xD.


    UPDATE: 05-11-2012

    Well well well, as today an indie retro game lover magazine has posted a coverage about "The Wild West" (link, link), I think it?s time to show some new screenshots and improvements (and I have more to come, but I prefer to make things with time).

    So, here they are:

    Started to add an interactive minimal simple menu to the start screen:

    <img src="" border="0">

    The new "reload" hud element (you can compare it with the older one from first post). Much cleaner and intuitive:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Jumping and shooting:

    <img src="" border="0">

    New basic enemy (they are more difficult that they seem at start): scorpions:

    <img src="" border="0">

    New enemy killing dynamic (as you can?t shoot downward):

    <img src="" border="0">

    Pain effect for when you are hitted:

    <img src="" border="0">

    In the last days I?ve been working on:

    • bullet (and bullet hit) improvements
    • Day/night cycle bug fixing
    • New enemy types and designs
    • Hud improvements
    • (unlockeable?????) Filters (screenshots to come)
    • Jumping/falling/landing poses
    • Internal optimizations
    • First boss fixes
    • ...

    And that?s all folk for now :).

    Thanks for all your motivation and support.


    <font color="red">**</font>********


    Hi everybody

    As somebody of you know, I started to work on a title called "Dieeeeeeeeee" some time ago, but as you can notice, I decided to pause it?s development and create something more direct, fast and why not say, easier to design. And that?s how I started to work on "The Wild West" about 2 weeks ago (in the few hours I have free after my sport trainings and office works).

    Every image I?m posting here is directly taken from it?s gameplay (I?ll publish a pre-alpha demo and gameplay video in the near future).

    It?s my first "pixel-art" based project, so don?t be very cruel with me.

    Well, the ingame screenshots, hope you like them:

    Live title screen

    <img src="" border="0">


    <img src="" border="0">


    <img src="" border="0">

    Shoot + Reload message

    <img src="" border="0">


    <img src="" border="0">

    Life package

    <img src="" border="0">

    Life package taken

    <img src="" border="0">

    First simple enemies

    <img src="" border="0">

    Buffalo boss 01

    <img src="" border="0">

    Buffalo boss 02

    <img src="" border="0">

    Buffalo boss 03

    <img src="" border="0">


    <img src="" border="0">

    (You can open the images in a new tab for viewing them at their?s original x2 size)

    The game features day/night cycles (with heat effect), dynamic clouds, life packages, stars, enemy creation points, particles, basic physics for some objects, ...

    Future plans:


    • More and more enemy types (of course)
    • More animations (for player and enemies)
    • More bosses
    • Changes/Redesign of messages (reaload, boss, ...)
    • Music + sounds (now it have some testing temporal sounds
    • Some titlescreen options
    • Secret (for now) features :)

    Everything is made by me: graphics, animations, game developmentm game idea, gameplay system... although I?m going to be helped for the music and sounds.


    <font color="red">**</font>********

    And, as always, sorry for my bad english :).



  • That looks really really great.

    I love your style, the wide screen and the background (which feels unique to me) !

    I can't wait to try it. <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Nice! I'm wondering what sort of gameplay it is. :D

    I like the ultra scope game view.

  • That's a really interesting looking style.

  • As far as screens go so far so good.

    The polish is apparent. Can't to see how it plays.

  • sirLobito I wonder why you decided to make so wide screen. It seems to me that because perhaps the there will be a lot of chases in the game, but that's just conjecture.

    Is that really your first pixelart-based project? Looks really great, so I don't believe you <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Thanks men for all your critics (all have been good for now, this is nice :)) and support. I sometimes need thing like this to continue workin? on.

    I think I?ll publish a little video gameplay soon (I want to show things slowly this time, the experience, jeje).

    : The gameplay type is very classic, fast and direct. I?m trying to keep it as simple as I can to play, but believe it?s not going to be a very easy game because of that.

    : There isn?t any chase at all, but every minute there is a chase to play (if you want). You?ll understand that soon ;). And yes, totally true, it?s my first pixelart based project (but I?ve and advantage, I?m designer). I?ve never made anything based in pixelart, but some weeks ago I started trying to learn/drawing (for my previous (actually paused) game), and well, I?m getting there I think :)). It?s been hard, but as designer, I love challenges :).

  • Looks cool so far. Hope to see a playable demo soon!

  • It's good that you are taking new challenges. I believe it gives you pleasure, which will result in the final result of your game development! Looking forward to test your game!

  • Looks ace, really like the framing.

  • Wow!

    Hope to play a demo of this game soon.

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  • I�ve updated the main (first) post of this topic.

    I think I�ll continue with this update modes to keep all the information on the first page, and answer/comment normally in the topic. What do you think?

    Thank everybody :).

  • What about Dieeeeeeeeeee? :(

    Anyways this game looks nice and original. Your Pixel art is very very nice!

  • looks awesome! cant wait to give it a try.

  • I�ve paused the development (not still cancelled :)) of Dieeeeeeeeee. Why?

    I think it was a too big project (I had a really huge layout to fill with graphics and traps) for starting with, so I decided to make something different and learn how to draw pixel art (and its animations) and get experiencie and practice for future projects.

    For now, I�m very happy with the decision. I think the new project is looking good and it has a more fast paced gameplay. I�m learning lot of things (about workin with pixelart and also with construct) that may help me make better thing in the near future :).

    Anyway, thanks for your interest and I hope this "The Wild West" be of your liking.

    PD: Sorry, I think my english is worse every day <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />, jaja.

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