Webstorage (Save Game)

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Match the similar cards with each other and free all animals!
  • I know it will save your data, but HOW? What were the expressions like 'Save "Wfile" from Wood' or something like that? An did that have to do with instance variables?

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I know it will save your data, but HOW? What were the expressions like 'Save "Wfile" from Wood' or something like that? An did that have to do with instance variables?

    <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    It just storage some variables where you can read from webstorage, so, when you load the file, it will load that variables and show the game after that statement, but you'll need to make your game all following this philosophy.

    Example: I'm doing a RPG, where the player get lvl 3 and 3200XP, also a sword with ID number of 3, he is on the map 3, unlocked map 2 and 1 and a shortcut number 13.

    Webstorage it and restore it, all the thing on the game will check their variables, consolidating only the checked variables, so, your player will come up, after loading, with the maps 1, 2, 3 and the shortcut 13 opened, also, a sword number 3, 3200XP, and level 3, hes last position can be done making a new variable, telling the game the player position map, so on.

    This is an awesome way of making RPGs and simpler games.

  • Hello I'm new here and do not know English very well!

    well, I did the tutorial and was very good (very good), but when I click load of NaN in place of total coins, how can I solve this?

    Thank you!

    Ps.: Brazilian;-)

  • I have a doubt with this.

    I�m making a RPG game with larges arrays to Player info, Inventory, Objects info, etc. If I need save all the whole information with WebStorage, I need save data by data on separated keys?

    I�m download the .Capx example and I modify that to use arrays:

    Example with array

    If that works on this way, is a really boring and hard work.

    Is some other way to save this type of data?

  • I have a doubt with this.

    I?m making a RPG game with larges arrays to Player info, Inventory, Objects info, etc. If I need save all the whole information with WebStorage, I need save data by data on separated keys?

    I?m download the .Capx example and I modify that to use arrays:

    Example with array

    If that works on this way, is a really boring and hard work.

    Is some other way to save this type of data?

    To save an entire array to webstorage, use this simple method:



  • Xavier Thank you SO MUCH!!! <img src="smileys/smiley31.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I serached a lot of times, but I can?t find that Thread.

    So useful and... so simple! I?m really impressed <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I got the following error while opening project

    <img src="http://h.dropcanvas.com/igjg9/Untitled%20picture.png" border="0" />

  • tonycrew

    I got the following error while opening the project

    <img src="http://h.dropcanvas.com/igjg9/Untitled%20picture.png" border="0" />

  • I have been pushing everything to the dictionary so that I can use them as global variables then I just save the whole dictionary to webstorage. Is there any reason I should not do that and should use local variables instead?

  • This saved my day.

    Thank you!!

  • I read these post and think, wow to I have a lot to learn.

    Thank you all for the information.

  • Wow, i was looking for this post. and Thanx

  • can't wait to go home and try it!

  • can't wait to go home and try it!

    Worked quite well; unique save to each and every variable, then load all of them seperately.

    Thank you.

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  • This is a CapX for those who want to save variables, it will just show you a way of doing it using the Web Storage plugin.

    Aimed at new comers to C2

    Tested in Chrome and works fine.

    There's probably a better usage of this plugin, but i couldn't find alot of info about it.

    Save Game Test CapX

    tonycrew2011-11-13 02:32:42

    What is MSave? Is that ever defined in the project or does Webstorage just create MSave as a variable in it self to load later?

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