Shack's Forum Posts

  • If you don't want it checked every tick and added to score the you will have to set limits as you have done and every 50 or 100 would work.

    I would have to see your game capx to tell you more as I am not sure how your game is played to give you any more suggestions.

    I can share it later once its a little more put together.

    I don't mind it checking it every tick, I just dont understand how to add points to the score in smaller increments. If the player is driving and their speed is 687, is it going to add 687 to the score, then 688, then 689, etc.? That score will go off the charts very quickly. I wanted to keep the score raising, in the single to double digits, not triples and quadruples.

  • OK yes you will need a global variable and use Every Tick to set that to the players speed.

    But how? If I set every tick, check player speed and add to score, I'm going to get some crazy numbers (max speed is 1000). My current work around is this, but it does not give me accurate readings.

    Every 1 second if speed is greater than 100 add 1 to score

    Every 0.5 second if speed is greater than 400 add 1 to score

    Every 0.25 second if speed is greater than 900 add 1 to score

    Is this the only way for me to do what I am trying? Just have to add more speed checks, maybe for every 100 speed?

  • Here the example

    Capx file: ... sp=sharing

    Thank you, this is how I currently have my score set up. I want it to speed up and slow down, not just >100

    What do you want the score to do when you slow down or stop?

    Ideally I would like the score to increase with the speed of the player. So if they slow to a crawl, so will the score. I guess I want the score to be linked to the RPMs instead of setting it to every .25 seconds

  • I have a a car that is driving. Every .25 secs that the speed is greater than 100, it adds 1 to the player score variable. However, if the player slows down (hitting a wall), I want the score speed to slow down. Is there an easy way for me to link the rate at which 1 is added to the score variable in relation to the player speed?

  • Thanks to the both of you!

  • Hey guys, is there a way to set an event as an "or" statement? I have 2 road sprites being generated from a spawner. When the player collides with the road, the player accelerates. When the player is not colliding with the road, they slow down to a crawl. Is there an option to set an event to say "when player collides with road1 or road2 > accelerate?

    Thanks in advance!

  • You can stuff all your advertising events in a group.

    When purchase done, disable the group.

    Thanks! I didn't know I could disable an entire group, I will check that later today.

  • Try Construct 3

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    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I wanted to create an IAP that would turn off ads and have been trying to think about how to do this properly. There is no option with AdMob to disable ads, I can only hide one that is already showing.

    My current solution is to attach the AdMob code to a Global Variable. I placed the AdMob code under the variable 0 and anything else (1) has no AdMob code. When the user clicks the purchase button, it will set the GV to 1 and hide any current ads being shown. Am I on the right track or is there a better way to do this?


  • I used the XDK it works great and you export the same way you do android. just make sure before submitting to test on a real device

    Rable have you tried Cranberrygame plugin it works for me

    Same here - I used XDK and no issue (portrait mode with admob plugin). I used the same process as for Android but obviously used the iOS build option(s). I use an old Macbook to submit the iap file to the market. My last submitted app to the market was January

    PS - Especially for iOS, dont trust the XDK emulator. Things that didnt run in the emulator ran fine on my iPhone.


    Export project from C2 as 'Ejecta' to 'www' folder of a blank XDK project.

    Export same project from C2 as 'Android' to same 'www' folder.

    Build as iOS app.

    This creates a valid iOS 'ipa' file that you can publish to the Apple store. I've successfully listed 5 apps on the Apple app store using this process.

    Good luck.

    Thanks! So what is the workflow? What should I export the C2 file as in order to get it working for IOS in Intel XDK? The Ejecta export option is no longer in my C2 options. Do I have to re install it via a plugin or something?

  • Does the lack of an answer mean no one here has successfully published an App to IOS from construct recently, or that I am having a very unique experience?

  • > If the file is big, check your graphics, transparencies and FX, maybe there is something that is eating up a lot of space?


    you mean during the intelXDK process?

    Thx anyway for reply hehe.

    I mean the actual assets in construct. Unless what JLH1964 is true. I don't know for sure

  • If the file is big, check your graphics, transparencies and FX, maybe there is something that is eating up a lot of space?

  • I have been working at this for weeks now and still can't get it to work. I have a working Android version that I used Intel XDK to build. I have followed multiple tutorials and still cannot play the game on an IOS device or through xcode. I am following various Ejecta Tutorials and bringing the game from PC to Mac. Most of them involve me downloading Ejecta, unzipping the game on a mac, replacing some files within my App, then adding the folder to the Ejecta folder.

    Here are the issues I get:

    Recently I have gotten to the game center log in screen, but then it says my game is not recognized. I have created the app id, linked game center ids, created a sandbox account, and enabled it in xcode. If I hit cancel, I get a black screen.

    I exported a build without game center, disabled game center/IAP under capabilities and now every build fails and it says Auth failed.

    Can someone help me with these or at least point me to a recent tutorial? Everything seems to be outdated since they say to export using Ejecta when that is no longer an option.

  • I´m pretty sure there is no difference once it goes to mono-colored things, as image-size is a mathematical thing, which should be equal within different pieces of software.

    Only improvement I can think of is using JPG instead of PNG whenever it allows you to (no transparencies) The missing alpha channel in JPG will grant you a bonus in file size.

    Thanks for the response, that is good to know. I have been trying to compress images to keep file sizes low, but it sounds like Construct does it's own compression to the game anyway.

  • Since the word "better" is subjective in this particular context, the answer is a resounding, "It depends." I know that is not the answer you wanted to read but it is the correct one. If you are more comfortable working with an outside program, it may be better to create it outside then import it. If you like the internal editor and can work with it on your simple graphics, it may be best to use the built in editor. Only you can decide which method is best for you.

    Personally, if I am just making a simple shape to use in a mock up or example, I use the internal editor. It is quick and easy to throw together a simple graphic and I don't have to take the time to switch programs. However, if the graphics I am building are going to be used in a real project, I will always use a more powerful image program to create my graphics no matter how simple they are. Even if I think it will stay as a simple box, there is always the chance I may decide sometime in the future to add more detail and I won't want to start from the very beginning. Having the image in a format that supports layers makes alterations much easier in my opinion.

    I do not mean better as in ease of use, I mean better as in optimized and smaller file sizes.