Note the experiment contain images of bikini clad women and the experiment is for 16 years of age and over!! (or under parental guidance)
So the purpose was to test a theory I heard about.
When choosing heads or tails on a coin, the probability of choosing heads is 50% or vice versa.
But studies have shown that if the images trigger some in built emotion or strong urge then you can increase this percentage of getting/guessing/predicting the right choice.
So in this case we have young suitable girls for 'mating' and an old unsuitable woman. So based on the theory after a practice run (to get use to the idea) your chances of choosing a young girl will increase to about 54%, i.e due to attraction/urge the younger girls image trigger within you, your powers of prediction will increase.
(There is no ****** just scantilty clad women, no more different to what we see on tv, music videos everyday)
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a dummy round where we test our theory by using simple images which will not trigger any emotion or urges.To be added:
Let me know your feedback and also your accuracy result.
If you want to test the theory right now. Toss a coin 10 times and guess heads or tales. Then see how many you guessed right. Then play the game and compare your score to the game score, to see if you get a better score (accuracy>50%)