Fervir looks gr8
Fervir hope all goes well with construct 2, its far more powerful then classic, I love what you done so far, and will be following your development until its official release!
Fervir: The animations is gorgeous, especially on the bats. Not sure if you've heard of Anodyne (indie Zelda-styled game), but it has a very similar feeling to that. Awesome.
Thanks, it will become even greater as time goes on!
I really hope so, I haven't been entirely sold on it yet, but I remain optimistically hopeful.
I've actually met one of the devs for Anodyne!
I loved the look of the game, and it is one of the games I look up to!
Behold, dynamic lighting!
Buzzblob in the wild.
Hi Friends
I have created my 1st game using construct 2 and placed it for testing
Please Test my game and suggest me to make it better
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
I kind of think doing such a thing is slightly frowned upon here, maybe? You can post gifs/screenshots here for input, but not really plug a project you made. Your own thread would be more appropriate for that.
Been working on the Decay badlands area in Dungeon Buster:
I've also added a new enemy type; a flaming hand that grabs the player as they pass by:
Lovely graphics. I like the incredibly subtle black clouds you have going across the screen too - you can hardly notice them, yet they add a nice eerie effect to the area.
Wonder what's inside the cabin?
Hei Tinimations the graphic looks great. I wonder how you made the steam/smoke in the background.
Looking great. So what's inside?
looks very good
I've finally implemented proper customizable weapon projectile and prop-objects system in place of the previous test/demo implementation.