Hello there!
Here was supposed to be a joke-like description where this game was actually made 23 years ago by Shigeru Miyamoto, but apparently people think that this is just a joke post and not an actual game.
Here's a better description.
Action Gamemaster is a game that is loosely based on Action 52- a multicartridge from 1991 for the NES made by Active Enterprises (yes, an NES game in 1991). It was an attempt by Active to make a multicart that would actually be legal to release- since all the asian multicarts used famous games, illegally. And how would they do that? By making their own games for it, of course!
All the 52 games sucked **** The developers had several months to make a whole 52 games, what did you expect?
Anyways, THIS game is also based off a character in Action 52- Action Gamemaster. He was... umm... well, he was the guy who appeared in Cheetahmen and had absolutely no relevance to the "story" whatsoever.
And while I was really bored, I thought: "Hmm, maybe Action Gamemaster can have a game based around him. I'm gonna go do that."
The game itself plays, control-wise, like a regular old platformer, but it's also not linear, like Metroid. That means, there's upgrades to get for your character, you can use those upgrades to go to places you couldn't access before, you can be patient and explore the item rooms which give you permanent health, weapon upgrades, etcetera.
The game has little areas, but for now, I'm at that stage of development when I need to get as much feedback as I can to fix glitches, inconsistencies, notice broken design I can't notice because I didn't when I made it, or even change the entire game for the better. Then, I can focus on bringing in more upgrades, areas, bosses, enemies, cats, dogs, tea, coffee-
You can download the Windows version here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5kck7ltctn1ax ... master.zip
Or ask for a Mac/Linux version in the comments. I am making the game on a Mac , but the node webkit .app wrapper doesn't work at all for me. Maybe it would for you?
Use Z to attack, 1 2 3 to choose weapons.