mochiz's Forum Posts

  • cranberrygame : please check your email, i have sent donation to you

    i can't pm, my rep still 200

  • FredQ

    Your information will very helpful to fix this issue.

    After testing with applying that, I'll let you know.



    Internally use camera, but you don't need camera plugin installed.

    Go to this post's main page and you can buy it.


    wait 1 weeks again

    i will take this 1 plugin, really thanks

    btw do you have email?

  • mochiz

    You can create qr code (letters what you want) with Other scirra members' QR Code creator.

    And read the letters form Phonegap Barcode when game start.

    You are welcome.


    It's v3.



    glad to hear that

    Phonegap barcode use camera? is that right?

    how to buy (donate you) phonegap barcode?

  • cranberrygame


    so, i wanna make game with barcode/QR code,

    my concept when player click start then player decide default character or use barcode/QR code.

    nah, i dont know to connect barcode with my game

    would you help me please?

    if your plugin is solution, i really thanks a lot

  • cranberrygame

    can your plugin barcode use in android?


  • sorry, i just know attachment can upload capx

  • Sorry, still 200 rep

    need 300

    my capx still prototype..

    Do you ever make a barcode like this before?

  • hello everybody,

    i wanna make game with barcode,

    my concept when player click start then player decide default character or use barcode.

    nah, i dont know to connect barcode with my game (layout 1)

    would you help me please?

    just like this, but i really fail



  • imho, you can use a global variable,

    • add global variable (value = 0)
    • you can still use action 1 until line 6
    • system >>> every 1 second,,, system >>> add 1 to (global variable)
    • system >>> (global variable) = 10,,, use your action line 8 - end

    try it


  • may i ask you pode, is this work for android?

    cuz i need this

  • imho, you can make trigger to check every sound, make it loud or quite in set volume

  • You do not have permission to view this post

  • if too big, you can use upload to google docs..

    make sure everybody can look out it

  • imho, maybe you can change 1st keyboard all, 2nd gamepad

    when still prototyping is it working?


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • you can change sprite first,

    then change image point to left side

    add global variable

    and every x second add global variable

