Plugins & Behaviors in development

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  • Are there anyone working on a Gameplay Recording plugin? Would be really cool to have something like that in C2.

  • Are there anyone working on a Gameplay Recording plugin? Would be really cool to have something like that in C2.


  • Hello,

    I'm developing a plugin for producing SCORM 1.2 e-learning lessons with Construct2.

    SCORM is a standard used by most online training platforms for monitoring the learner.

    You'll be able to use your projects such as training courses

  • Hello,

    I'm developing a plugin for producing SCORM 1.2 e-learning lessons with Construct2.

    SCORM is a standard used by most online training platforms for monitoring the learner.

    You'll be able to use your projects such as training courses

    hey freetalent, any clue about when is the plugin going to be functional or testable? I'm really looking forward to it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • freetalent looking forward to check your plugin good luck

  • Hi Freetalent,

    I am also very interested in any progress you make in this area and will be happy to provide whatever support I can.

  • Hello everyone,

    I havent sent PM to Septeven because of PM limitation, I'm sorry if my post is wrong place under this topic.

    We developed a monetization plugin for C2. We are partner of Google and serving GoogleAds in Flash, Html5 Games. You can kindly recommend to check our Construct2 plugin from GameDistribution Construct2 Api

    If you want to get revenue immediately, you may join our network system and take advantage of opportunities. On the other hand we are creating your game walkthrough and distributing games to websites have high traffic.

    Thank you for understanding..

  • Hi, I'm working on Ease plugin here:

  • I agree with septeven

  • Do you think it's worth it?

    Is a random dungeon generator

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