Guillermo's Forum Posts

  • Hello

    I try to make a Construct3 version for a Construct2 plugin that i making, the only part that i had a problem is in the Debug mode

    the code that i use for Construct2 version and Construct3 c2runtime:

     instanceProto.getDebuggerValues = function (propsections) 
    			"title": "Labyrinth",
    			"properties": [
    				{"name": "Map", 
    				 "value": this.GameDungeon == null? "<b>NOT DUNGEON CREATED YET</b>" : GraphiqueDungeon(this.GameDungeon), 
    				 "html": true, 
    				 "readonly": true}

    For otherwise, in c3runtime

    		const Acts = C3.Plugins.random_dungeon_maker.Acts;
    		const prefix = "plugins.Plugins.random_dungeon_maker.debugger.MapProperties";
    		return [{
    			properties: [
    				{name: "Map",
    				 value: C3.Plugins.random_dungeon_maker.GameDungeon == null? "<b>NOT DUNGEON CREATED YET</b>" : GraphiqueDungeon(C3.Plugins.random_dungeon_maker.GameDungeon), 
    				 html: true}

    The problem in this code is that the html property doesn´t work and the value not formated in HTML.

    Is possible convert the string in HTML like Construct2 or this is not available yet?

  • Hello, im looking for procedural generated infinite world using tilemap: water, sand grass rocks

    do you have solution for this?

    Hi, if you asking you want to use tilemaps to make the level design instead the bland sprites showed in the promotional images the answer is yes. Is this because the RDM only calculate the inner design the aesthetic part is in charge of the Construct2, it has a feature of "Open world" map that is basically the same dungeon but only with less walls. Im working in new examples, dont miss that.

    PD: if you want more information you can send me a private message.

  • Sorry for the delay:

    Im not forgetting the RDM and this is a teaser for the next update

    Subscribe to Construct videos now


    * New Game Asset for RDM Construct2 edition: Dungeon Crawlers.

    * Labyrinth Explorer theme, find the keys to proceed to the next level!!

    * Procedural animation sprites using a CollisionBox as a root. Animations for: Idle, walk and use object.

    * 4 different weapons programed.

    * You can only carry 2 objects (include the key), choose wisely the object(s) you will use to the next level.

    * Enemy Stalker AI, the enemies are programmed to avoid collide each other, a very common developt issue.

    * The enemies are programmed to use the weapons against you!.

    * Zelda HUD design, with a hearth health bar and current item icons.

    * Pause Menu, you can mute the BGM Music and Sound effects and exit to the main Menu.

    * Default programmed Menus, you can select the difficult of the game and depending on the option it load an array of levels, advance to each array position and you complete the game!!

    * 2 Boss levels!!

    * Project commented in every sheet and variable, edit the project at your preference for making your dream game(because is this the main reason are you paying for that).

    * Included an aditional behavior: Pin2, is just an enhanced version of Pin behavior that works exactly than the original but with adittional features, this behavior is free.


    * This asset is only for Construct2 version and was not maked for free edition, you maybe need to purchase the personal or business edition for edit this project. This is because exceed the event/layer limits.

    * Some graphics used are just preliminar and for test issues, will be changed in the final release.

    * The RDM price will go up from 7.99 to 9.99 GBP during the next update. However, the previous customers can enjoy this release without any aditional charge.

    * As a tradition, each day 2 of each month i have a "Sale week" of 30%-40% of this product, don´t miss that!.

  • This is a enhanced behavior of Pin behavior that im programming for a project.

    His main features:

    -Pin object only UID (the objects are not connected physically, only logical)

    -Variable "Destroy if is unpinned", this is ideal if you destroy some object and you want destroy the other linked objects

  • For the next update (possibly between may) im making some playing assets for the RDM applying a real gameplay in the examples.

    This is an example for the next month update:

    Note: Some Graphics are taken from this example:

    The reason is because i liked his technique for procedural animation but i cant contact with him to ask if may i borrow his character.

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  • Next Update (before april or early april):

    The next update is focused in the capx templates:

    • Examples using tilemaps
    • Examples using the OpenWorld Parameter.
  • For anyone looking for a random room generator this is a great resource that is pretty well documented.

    I found it generalized enough to make some custom tweaks that fit a project I was working on perfectly. There are a lot of built in features I didn't use for that project, but I look forward to experimenting with them more in future projects.

    Easily worth the money for the time it saves and an added bonus are the number of things it can do that I didn't even think of.

    Hi, thanks for your buy.

    Any idea, doubt, comment, etc. you have, send it to my support email.

    Im working in new adds for the next update.

  • Next Update (before march):


    * .c2addon install error


    * Expressions in Debug Mode.

    *Option for "Open World" mode (basically is a dungeon with few generated walls).


    *Option for not consider inner walls in create dungeon actions.

    *Adjustment in add element action.

  • RandomDungeonMaker — Now for sale in the Scirra Store! ... maker-4143

    Do you need a solution that allows you to create mazes randomly but you want the functions are executed outside the .capx (in resume, a plugin)?I have the soluction!. The RandomDungeonMaker (RDM):

    What things can do my plugin?:

    1.- The plugin returns an array about each cell´s (Block) data (his ID, if has walls, elements, etc.), this data can be accessed by the expressions of the RDM.

    2.- You can visualize the previous information with 15-25 events (including variables).

    3.- Option for intersectional room games, loading only the current room in the layout, ideal for make Zelda type games.

    4.- Although the RDM was created thought only for the structure of the dungeon, it has the "Tag element" system. It allows you to put a label that represents a Construct2 object and the RDM places the label in several dungeon cells. What things can I put? Enemies, chests, keys, etc. and has an option to remove the tag to avoid replicated objects (for example, take the same key or coin), that previous reference was created for intersectional room games.

    5.- For Metroidvania type games, RDM stores predetermined labels to show platforms.

    6.- Can load and save the object in JSON format.

    7.- Three different methods for create dungeons, depending on the specific details you want.

    What contains this bundle?

    1.- The plugin for Construct2 and a beta version for Construct3.

    2.- User guide (English and Spanish).

    3.- 10+ examples for Construct2 and 4 for Construct3.

    4.- A game asset in the v1.2: Dungeon Crawlers.

    Version 1.1 Updates:


    - Actual dungeon map in debug mode.

    - Adjacent Block expressions, you can now get the id of the block above, bellow or aside of the indicated block.

    - Extra and advanced creation dungeon expressions has now the parameter for generate or not the inner wall rooms.

    - New parameter only for advanced creation dungeon: OpenWorld, this calls a function whose job is deleting most walls except those who are aside an empty block or a null block giving a less narrow level.\ This option is in test phase and possibly some internal functions about this process would change.


    - Combo List parameters in actions doesn't works, that was fixed.

    - The .c2addon was impossible to install in the alst version, now you can install the plugin dragging this file into the Construct2.


    - Removed 'BORDER' and 'ROOM' options in combo parameters in 'add element' actions, this can make some bugs if you use this parameters or using the 'NONE' option, simply reconfigure the action changing the combo options and its fixed.

    - A slight change about null blocks, null blocks are a type of dungeon blocks that can only get if you call an expression with an not existent Id or using coordinates out of dungeon boundaries. The Id of that block is always -1 but this is changed for to be Id = 0.

    - The plugin documentation is now divided in 2 files: one contains the information about the plugin and other is the references list.

    Version 1.1.1 Updates:


    Added 6 new examples in Construct 2:

    - Using TileMaps.

    - Using 2 TileMaps (one for the background and the other for the walls) .

    - Using 2 TileMaps with different tile size.

    - A little example of how to fix the gap between walls of the previous examples.

    - Open World mode example.

    - Divided room game with TileMaps.


    I made a change in all the examples and i switched the red square with a more door like image and i resize the image.

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about RandomDungeonMaker.

    Version 1.2 Updates:

    This changes only applies with Construct2.


    -New game asset (only for the version 1.2): Dungeon Crawlers. Instructions needed for open the source included.


    -New actions: Clear dungeon (Delete from the memory the RDM object) and Revive all dungeon elements(elements deactivated during the game are activated again).

    -New Expressions: AlreadyExists (Check if the RDM dungeon object exists).


    -There is a minor error when you try to load the minimap in the debug mode when the RDM object is not created yet (because is the start menu layout,etc.) this error was fixed.

    -Some issues when you try to use RDM Expressions without a Dungeon created yet and a error alert appear, this was fixed in some cases.


    -The minimap of the debug mode, i reordered the elements displayed per block in a table.

  • This is a code that im developing for javascript. My intention is sell this code as a plugin for construct2 scirra store:

    This is the plugin core that allow to make a random labyrinth ... tor/ANqzpx.

    More information for my project:


  • Do you think it's worth it?

    Is a random dungeon generator

  • Hello, im working with this plugin:

    Do you think it's worth it?

  • Im making a plugin for make random labyrinths that i want to sell it for the scirra store, the pack will have:

    1.- The plugin (obviously).

    2.- 6 or 8 examples.

    3.- A documentation about the functionality, installation, expressions, etc.

    4.- A beta plugin for Construct3.

    What things can my plugin do?:

    1.- Contains an array about each cell´s (Block) data (his ID, if has walls, elements).

    2.- Option for Intersectional room games (represented with colors in this image) loading only the current room in the layout, ideal for make zelda type games.

    3.- The inner room walls can be removed for open world levels.

    4.- An interesent option that i developing is an "tag element" system. You can put a label that represents a Construct2 object and the AI places the label in various dungeon´s cells. what things can i put? Enemies, chests, keys,etc. and has an option to delete the tag for avoid replicated objects (example: take the same key or coin), the last example was maked for intersectional room games.

    5.- Can load the object from a JSON file and save the current dungeon in JSON format.

    6.- For metroidvania like games, the AI store tags for display mini platforms.

    Any recommendation? I want to make public the javascript core code at least and the reason to justify the price is the plugin itself and the documentation.

    Here is a small sample about the plugin and one of its examples

  • Im making a plugin for make random labyrinths but i want to sell it for the scirra store, the pack will have:

    1.- The plugin (obviously).

    2.- 6 or 8 examples.

    3.- A documentation about the functionality, installation, expressions, etc.

    4.- A beta plugin for Construct3.

    What things can my plugin do?:

    1.- Contains an array about each cell´s (Block) data (his ID, if has walls, elements).

    2.- Option for Intersectional room games (represented with colors in this image) loading only the current room in the layout, ideal for make zelda type games.

    3.- The inner room walls can be removed for open world levels.

    4.- An interesent option that i developing is an "tag element" system. You can put a label that represents a Construct2 object and the AI places the label in various dungeon´s cells. what things can i put? Enemies, chests, keys,etc. and has an option to delete the tag for avoid replicated objects (example: take the same key or coin), the last example was maked for intersectional room games.

    5.- Can load the object from a JSON file and save the current dungeon in JSON format.

    6.- For metroidvania like games, the AI store tags for display mini platforms.

    Any recommendation? I want to make public the javascript core code at least and the reason to justify the price is the plugin itself and the documentation.

    Here is a small sample about the plugin and one of its examples