> Good luck.
> I had this in mind. I started out with it actually. I will most likely include it too. But the performance hit is quite massive because I have to draw the 3D onto a 2Dcanvas and then create the texture for the "sprite" and apply it. And that 60 times per second. I did a lot of testing and it gives very big performance hits. However I will still include it once I am done
> Here is an example of how it has to work.
> http://jsfiddle.net/Schoening/XxzS7/6/
> You can see how much resources the 2D texture function uses. And this is not even applying it to a Sprite!
The system is called billboards. Keep in mind you don't need to render every tick. Instead monitor for an update.
Light change
camera perspective change
unless those key events occur to the 3d object. Then there is no need to render the image again. If you only render on required you will see 3d rendering through the roof. I remember once back in the erly days of JavaMonkeyEngine before billboards, and only render on required. There was a test to render a billboard, but only render to the billboard on any of the above conditions. The render jumped from 100fps to 500fps. It's super cheap and innefeciant to only render to texture when needed.
I was going to do this stuff myself some day when the need arised for my DOL project(below). But it's months down the road. And if someone does this well ahead of time. All the happier to give credit to the plugin creators