Noob & Screen sizes

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220 Food Sprites in 16x16 pixel size. Perfect for items for a retro style game.
  • Aeris85

    Thank you so much for your post.

    That?s exactly what we want to do, but as our objective is to develop games for mobile devices, I thought that we should know how to configure our "very simple games" so we can check our developments in mobile devices.

  • BrianOD nutmix this is just a C2 problem due loading the entire game on memory at start.

    I came to the same problemand asked the same.

    Ashley said that loading layouts on memory on demand is on the C2 TO DO list.

    For now this is a big problem for my project. So I'm waiting this feature :)

  • However, I'd start by developing a simple iPod game. So take 480x320 resolution (3:2 aspect ratio). Or retina resolution (iPod 4th generation) with 960x640 (same aspect ratio, only 2x each side).

    Don't worry about iPad, other aspect ratios on Android, and so on.

    In fact, it's not even that bad to restrict yourself to that. iPod apps can be successfull enough, there are various apps that were/are iPod exclusive. It's not necceassary to develop for Android/iPad as well.

  • Aeris85 GamerGon

    Thank you for your assistance. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Hello, I am a beginner with c2. I am making a little game to Iphone/Ipad and Android.

    I can't fit (without gaps in the corners) the game to multiple screen size with HUD, background and some object..

    I am using the bigger mobile size (IPAD 3: 2048 x 1536) and full screen scale mode, acording the multiple screen size post..

    Can you provide a SOLID example?


  • dusoft remember that C2 is not magic. You have to decide for yourself what you want, then tell C2 how to do it. For instance, you have to consider the consequences of supporting multiple resolutions, which can be more convoluted than you think, and heavily relies on the individual game.

  • sqiddster you are right, it's not easy, but I don't know how to start?..I am searching a basic platform example (like mario bros) that run on multiple device, initially playable on android or iphone devices, that have "similar" screen size, Ipad can wait..

    Thanks for your fast reply..

    NOTE: I play your game is excelent, good work!


  • dusoft I guess it really depends on your HUD, and if your platformer is scrolling or single-screen. Single screen will be a bit trickier, but scrolling shouldn't be too difficult.

  • hey guys. i struggle at the same problem. i have been searching the forum for quite a time now but didn't really end up with a solution. I was wondering if there was any way in C2 to change the dpi of the layout. i assume this would be very helpful because the actual screen size in centimeters of the iPhone 3 and 4 are the same. retina displays just have more pixels per inch. so if we could change the amount of pixel per inch displayed maybie we could achieve a good way to deploy our games to different iOS Devices. Are my thoughts even correct? The most people think that dpi is just for printing, but i guess it's not.

    btw .. it would be very helpful if any of you could do a Tutorial about the screen sizes especially for iDevices, explaining all that mess with aspect ratio and so on..

  • BrianOD

    WE use 1024x1024 for our backgrounds, as this is the max resolution of the ipad 1 & 2 and 3 with retina turned off (which is why we export the project into two separate versions - one for ipad 1&2 and one for ipad 3 as you cant turn off retina display at runtime).   An easier option for you might be to scale the game up for ipad 3, and keep retina display option on. This is because detecting the difference between ipad 2 and 3 requires javascript (cant be done using useragent).

    Scaled versions of the game look good, and surprisingly don't seem to impact performance.

    There are android tablets out there with greater than 1024, we currently dont support these as we dont have time to test them.

    Android is your biggest nightmare - stick to iphone and ipad to start with (but dont expect it to run in iphone3 - its shockingly slow - we get 1FPS compared to 200 on ipad 3). Unfortunately, you need javascript to detect the iphone 3 (not 3gs) to put up a "not supported" page.

    Actually - just had an idea - it might be possible to write a quick speed test in C2 when the app starts up (e.g. move a sprite with some effects), and if it gets less than say 10 fps then put up an unsupported message.

    nutmix, sticking to iPad: Do I use 1024x1024 with Crop? Will it scale on iPad3? What size do I put as layout?


  • Maybe it's just me, but I tend to not start designing projects that fully depend on features that are not in the product yet.... just sayin...

  • i cannot help but respond on the way you explain how "The Legend Of Zelda" renders it's sprites.

    it uses a old version of the knows spritesheet.

    it's build in one of N's own engines and they're always a bit different than most common engines.

    but technically what it does, is loading a grid of numbers:






    ^ in the above example: (which is a VERY tiny script to load to start with, every number represents a small image)

    1= grass



    games like Minecraft & Terraria both work in the same kind of way.

    but, with randomization added.

    the good part is:

    C2 is capable of these techniques! including randomization, physics, and constantly improving! (i love the way it updates without messing my projects up! (so far)

    now back to work!


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  • GamerGon:

    i cannot help but respond on the way you explain how "The Legend Of Zelda" renders it's sprites.

    it uses a old version of the knows spritesheet.

    it's build in one of N's own engines and they're always a bit different than most common engines.

    but technically what it does, is loading a grid of numbers:






    ^ in the above example: (which is a VERY tiny script to load to start with, every number represents a small image)

    1= grass



    games like Minecraft & Terraria both work in the same kind of way.

    but, with randomization added.

    the good part is:

    C2 is capable of these techniques! including randomization, physics, and constantly improving! (i love the way it updates without messing my projects up! (so far)

    now back to work!


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