Aeris85's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Well, this looks awesome, thank you very much!!!

    I'll have a deeper look into it this evening, and it might take me a day or two to answer here how (or if) I could implement your suggestions in my system. Because I really want my character to run in lanes, and not completely free in 360 degress like you did it. So I still need to make some adjustments.

    Your moving background looked very interesting as well (I'll have to look into sooooo many things *g*).

    PS: Thanks for the praise! Unfortunately, there is already such a game out ("Nuts!", on iPhone) that works just like your implementation with 360 degree free running. If I had any chance to prove this, I'd add that I had this idea before those other developers published their game, and there are SO many ideas that are exactly the same, it's really a shame or irony of fate -.-

    I want to finish my project idea with the chameleon nonetheless, for personal track record.

  • However, I'd start by developing a simple iPod game. So take 480x320 resolution (3:2 aspect ratio). Or retina resolution (iPod 4th generation) with 960x640 (same aspect ratio, only 2x each side).

    Don't worry about iPad, other aspect ratios on Android, and so on.

    In fact, it's not even that bad to restrict yourself to that. iPod apps can be successfull enough, there are various apps that were/are iPod exclusive. It's not necceassary to develop for Android/iPad as well.

  • Pretty-please-push!

  • brian:

    PLEASE take my advice, I beg you:

    If you are a total noob and NOT very into coding, then don't go for a "cross platform multi i-can-do-everything" game that runs in EVERY resolution/aspect ratio.


    The worst decision any hobby coder / game developer can make is going for a project with too large scale.

    Try something easy. REALLY easy!!

    Start off by programming a calculator, re-code tetris (if you don't want to publish it it's no problem), or re-code Pong.

    There are several advantages of that:

    1. You'll learn while you only focus on the problems of the code/the engine, without worrying about the game design / fun facts / graphics.

    2. You'll have fast success feelings.

    3. You learn about yourself: Is this really the right thing for you? Are you motivated long or enough, or did you only think it would be cool, but are annoyed after 2 days?

    4. ...that should be enough already.

    Only use placeholder graphics. Play with blocks, blobs and triangles. Don't spend 90% of your time searching high quality graphics/drawing them yourself.

    If you have acquired some experience, THEN you can start with cross platform/multi platform.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi community!

    I am about to make a bottom-top running game where a chameleon runs up a tree and has to avoid twigs. You can run on different lanes of the tree.

    But I'm not moving my character, but the background, so it's all just about perception.

    Initially, I only "teleported" my twigs around the tree on left arrow/right arrow. Now I want to animate them so they smoothly turn around the tree.

    My question is: Do I use animations, or real movement for the twigs?

    My first try were animations. But the disadvantage I see: While the "turn" animation is running, the animated twig is still logically at its starting position, and thus you can still collide with it although it visually is about to turn away.

    On the other hand, regarding movement: which behaviour should I give my twigs? They shall turn by 90? to the left or right, depending on which key is pressed and at which position the twig currently is.

    "Bullet" would be wrong because I need a curved path. "Car" and "8 direction" doesn't seem to be right either.

    This is my current animation implementation:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Very quick and only for debugging, not perfect. The lines

    twig Set X to...
    twig Set Y to...
    twig Rotate 50 degrees...

    are currently not synched with the animation. So the animation ends in another state than these 3 lines. I had to correct that, of course.

    Here is my capx:


    It is just a test project where nothing happens, it's only for testing of the twig rotation.

  • Hmm, imho it's better to use an existing topic that is _just about_ my questions (=tokenat and WebStorage for a highscore list) rather than creating a new one, asking the same thing and appending some little stuff.

    Thank you for your advice, I think I'll get it done from this point on!

    I just looked into your tutorial: seams like a hell lot of work, and I'll read it to learn more stuff.

  • Darn, typo, I just realized it as well xD !

    Okay, so here my next problem:

    For displaying my highscores, I use the following formatting (global variable version):

    "1. " & tokenat(highscores, 0, ":") & "     " & tokenat(highscores, 1, ":")

    This works!!

    The "tokenat" function extracts the correct parts of my loooooong "highscores" string.

    So now, when I want to replace that with the "webStorage" saved string, I had to do this, right (WebStorage version)?

    "1. " & tokenat(WebStorage.LocalValue("savedHighscore"), 0, ":") & "     " & tokenat(WebStorage.LocalValue("savedHighscore"), 1, ":")

    Namely replacing the "highscores" with "WebStorage.LocalValue("savedHighscore")".

    But this does not work. When I enter one highscore, close the game and reopen it, the old highscore isn't there anymore.

  • Hi there!

    I'm trying to get a local highscore working as well, and I looked at the 2 tutorials.

    This is my capx:


    and this is the event code excerpt:

    <img src="" border="0">

    The "WebStorage: Set local key..." doesn't seem to work (or I'm using it in the wrong way).

    The variable "highscores" is my global variable that contains all the highscores, concatenated so that I can draw single pieces out using "tokenat".

    "savedHighscores" is supposed to be the key for the cookie storage.

    As you can see, I have a "debugText" textbox where I print some things for debugging. When I debug-print my own global value "highscores", the correct concatenation is being displayed (this line is set to "toggle disabled" in the screenshot).

    But when I put the key "savedHighscores" into the debug text, then nothing shows, it's empty.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Okay, I get it!

    Thanks for alle the help! It works now and I'm about to implement more features, a local highscore and so on...!

  • Okay, that did it. Thank you very much!

    ...but why? In my example this would be

    self.y = 1600 - 800*2

    which is... nearly... identical to 0 :p ! Why does that make a difference?

  • Okay, I got it!

    The player is standing still now, and the background is scrolling via the method posted by Kyatric in this thread: .

    However, I still have that ominous "gap" between my tiles that the author of that thread spoke of as well.

    Casting the "dt" to an int didn't help either.


    event => TiledBackground.X to TiledBackground.X - int(60*dt)

    And the gap issue wasn't solved in that other thread. Does anybody has a hint? Here is my capx:


  • Hi, I'm new here!

    I'm trying to make a running game (like Robot Unicorn Attack, Cannabalt etc.), but from bottom to top:

    I have 2 BG pics:

    *a forest

    *a tree trunk

    and the character on it.

    The character shall move automatically upwards (bullet movement?), and the 2 BG pics shall repeat infinitely in the y direction.

    I can't seem to get that done.

    I searched the forum here, but nothing really nailed it - I'm not a native English speaker, so maybe I have misunderstood some things.

    I have done the top down standard tutorial.


    1. I want the screen scrolled to my character - but not at the center, but at the bottom of the screen where I placed my character initially.

    2. How do I get my BG pics to repeat in Y axis?

    Maybe we can start just with this...

    Bye and thanks in advance!

  • 12 posts