What's the best way to smoothly scroll text horizontally in a single line from one side of the screen to the other?
Bullet behavior?
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If you have you text off screen to the left then give it the bullet behavior, by default I think it will just scroll across the screen but you can't control it. You could say every tick set it's position to current position+X then maybe add a wait and repeat. Something like that may work.
Waffle of war
You can set the bullets behavior "Set Angle" to false, and then send the bullet which ever way you want and it won't rotate with the direction.
Certainly bullet behavior does it. My only concern is how jittery it moves. Not smooth at all.
The jitteriness should be controllable based on the speed at which the bullet is travelling I would think. Also framerate may have some hand in that as well.
Yeah text object isn't smooth at all. SpriteFont plugin would be your best bet, or roll your own. Simple enough to do. If you don't want to use a plugin, I can put up a capx for you.
If you don't mind posting a capx, I'd like to see one. Thanks!
Okay. I have my text scrolling. But there seems to be a limit to how long a sentence can be. How do I have a series of texts which scrolls in a single line like the crawls/tickers on ESPN, CNN, etc.,?