I would like my player sprite to always be located exactly where the user is touching the screen. No delay. Instant movement to the user's touch. Instantly follow the user's finger as it slides across the screen.
With the Mouse object this works when moving the mouse - by using Mouse -> Cursor is over Background. My sprite follows the mouse cursor exactly.
With the Touch object I can't seem to get this to work. I have tried:
Touch -> Is in touch
Touch -> Is touching Background
Touch -> On any touch start
Touch -> On any touch end
All of these seem to result in the sprite moving to my finger when I place it on the screen - but it doesn't track me if I keep my finger on the screen and slide it around. I have to lift my finger off the screen, and place it down on the screen again to move to a new location.
What Touch conditions or similar approach can I use so that the user does not ever have to lift their finger from the screen while playing the game?