derickc's Forum Posts

  • 10 posts
  • Nice game!

    I usually don't read the instructions to a game first - just dive in. I'm a big fan of matching games. If there was a little hint "match four" in Orchard's speech bubble right at the beginning that would have been perfect. I was trying to match three, then make rows.

    It would be nice to have more sound and visual effects when you match four - especially if you match the bonus color. Maybe the dog barks or something? If you have a cascade, maybe something bigger happens? I love getting feedback for game accomplishments. Like mini achievements.

    The timer is very subdued when your eyes are scanning the board. Perhaps it could pulse a little when it changes colors? I didn't notice it until my third game.

    Overall, very polished. Great job!

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  • Does anyone remember the arcade game Circus?

    Thanks to C2, I've put a few hours into creating a new version, which I'm calling Crazy Clowns. You can play it here:

    I'm hosting it using Windows Azure with DropBox deployment.

    My version is not yet as good as the original... but I have some ideas. I'm definitely not an artist.


      Using a Mouse works better than Touch - haven't figured out continuous touch yet Playing in Chrome works better than IE - can't get sound working for IE yet

    Play tip: the higher you place the mouse cursor on the screen, the higher the clown will jump.

    Feel free to share any thoughts!

  • I would like my player sprite to always be located exactly where the user is touching the screen. No delay. Instant movement to the user's touch. Instantly follow the user's finger as it slides across the screen.

    With the Mouse object this works when moving the mouse - by using Mouse -> Cursor is over Background. My sprite follows the mouse cursor exactly.

    With the Touch object I can't seem to get this to work. I have tried:

      Touch -> Is in touch Touch -> Is touching Background Touch -> On any touch start Touch -> On any touch end

    All of these seem to result in the sprite moving to my finger when I place it on the screen - but it doesn't track me if I keep my finger on the screen and slide it around. I have to lift my finger off the screen, and place it down on the screen again to move to a new location.

    What Touch conditions or similar approach can I use so that the user does not ever have to lift their finger from the screen while playing the game?


  • Hi roracle,

    I appreciate your "enthusiasm" for your personal preferences. My personal browser preference is Internet Explorer, which is a popular browser that supports HTML5 and runs on a number of exciting platforms, including my Surface 2 - which I use every day. Plays flash games wonderfully too!

    I'd prefer not to exclude any HTML5 capable browser, and certainly not because I have a personal grudge against one of them for some arbitrary reason. Life is too short to spend it coming up with creative - albeit humorously paranoid - reasons to hate things that other people enjoy.

    The original question that wii07, Cipriux, and I have still stands. Thanks for your help though.

  • I have the same problem - I just deployed a small game to Windows Azure, and it doesn't have sound in IE 11 anymore. Works fine in IE 11 when running locally, but running from the web causes it to lose sound.

    I did notice that the .wav files in the project are not deployed when creating an HTML5 export project - perhaps this is a C2 bug?

  • Thanks to both of you - worked great!

  • Thanks Tulamide - this worked for me too!

  • I have a jumping game that uses objects with physics and gravity.

    I'd like to have some objects - helium balloons - that float or hover in the air, yet also have physics properties - such as the player pushing them out of the way.

    Does anyone know how I can create these kinds of sprites - with physics, but defying gravity?

    Every time I try to make this kind of object, it always immediately falls to the ground.


  • Thanks RamPackWobble! It was effects. I don't really need effects to try things out - so I removed them, saved my project, closed Construct 2, then opened it again and was back in business!

    I hear you Dutoit on purchasing a license - and I'm almost ready to do this. What's holding me back are the many bugs I've found in the product.

    I've encountered a bug that prevents the events sheet from being re-interpreted when running again (boy that was annoying), a bug that stops my game from running at all, and a bug that hangs C2 during an Export - all in the latest build 163. All of these the bugs were cleared up by closing and re-starting C2 - but as the saying goes, "where there's smoke, there's fire!" I'm worried about investing a ton of time in a game on C2 then having a serious problem crop up and impact my work. $100 is a lot of money for a product with as many issues as I've found.

    I've also seen several one-time bugs (i.e. I couldn't reproduce them) that included a message to please "send this bug to the developer" - and I was a little surprised they didn't offer me a button to do exactly that. Clearly C2 knew something was wrong - why not instrument the product to collect these incidents?

    That said, C2 seems to be much easier to use than Game Maker Studio - and I haven't encountered any issues that couldn't be fixed by restarting - so Scirra may get my dollars yet.

  • I've got a project started with one layer, a few objects, one event sheet, and 22 events (according to the status bar).

    Construct 2 (free edition, release 163, 64-bit) is now complaining that I've exceeded the free edition limits and I can no longer try the product's functionality. I thought I could go up to 100 events?

    I've rebooted my computer and Construct 2 continues to complain.

    Any thoughts on why this might be happening? I was hoping to get to know the product, and now I can't test the Windows 8 App functionality.

  • 10 posts