I'll probably need to clarify right off the bat here, I'm wondering if I can publish my game to the Mac App Store (desktop apps developer.apple.com/programs/mac/), not the iTunes App Store (iOS, iPhone, iPad, etc).
Anyone tried this yet or know if this is possible?
I am trying to find an answer for this too - anyone?
at least user ArcadEd has
I think too:
notion games (ubei)
We haven't yet but we will be.
Any update on this subject?
Nutzaboutpoker , ask ArcadEd , he has 4 games AFAIR
I've never tried the Mac App Store, only iTunes. Sorry,
Maybe I will look into it this week if I get time.
FYI, tagging people doesn't notify them of the thread unless they have already posted in it :).
Before I sign up for a Mac developer (and pay the $99) I am curious if there are any experiences of whether it's worth it or not. iOS, yes it's worth it as it pays itself back pretty quickly. Mac apps are just a whole new ball game for me.
ArcadEd yeah we're wondering the same thing. I am also interested in it but don't want to pay 99$ if there's going to be a problem with publishing to it
Looking at this https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit/issues/936 it looks like some people had problems with getting their Node Webkit games on the mac store, but if you look down in the comments it looks maybe it was eventually resolved with later versions of Node Webkit
I'm just curious what the market it like. If it's similar to the Chrome store, then I am not sure it's worth the dev cost. I'm not a mac user, I just have one to publish and test games with.
Is the App Store where mac users go to buy games for their mac?
Mhmm I guess it�s not really rentable for games like we do here with construct, or at least it�s really hard to compete with the other games. There are lots of really good "Free2Play"-games there, like team Fortress or some LOL clones.
Anyone tried this yet?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
ArcadEd is there any chance you could make a tutorial for newbies on the whole process from exporting your game out of C2 to the game being up on the ios store?
I too was one of those people who thought that making the game would be the hard part, but after getting about half way through my game design, and reading up on google about apples guidelines and stuff I'm starting to wonder, will my game ever get accepted...?
I'm about done with my Monetization with ads course, once that gets online I will be doing an iOS course next. Expect it in the next month or 2 hopefully. I'm kind of waiting for the Ejecta plugin to get flushed out a bit, and the update to the ConcoonJS plugin Ludei has been promising for a while.